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Suddenly, Jack stopped the car. He unbuckled his seatbelt, turned towards me and hugged me.

"I love you..." He said and looked at me, into my eyes, "And I want to kiss all these tears away..." He kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you too, Jack..." I said and hugged him again.

I realize in that moment what love is... what it feels like to be loved, to be cared for... I remembered the friendship I had with Lucas, and realized that even that friendship was just a one-sided. I was so stupid, I thought that he was actually my friend. I considered him a good friend, but for him, I was just a crazy girl who had a crush on him.

For him, I was like music is to ears and for me, he was like breath is to beings. I was nothing for him, when he was everything for me. I felt my eyes welling up with tears once again. 

How can you do this? How can you think of that jerk when you're with your love, Jack?

My subconscious scolded me and I immediately regretted remembering him and things related to him. 

"Do you know?"Jack said bringing me back to reality. "I was reading a romantic story yesterday and there was one quote that really touched me. Shall I share it with you?" He asked me.

Why not?

"Ofcourse... I would love to hear romantic quotes, specially if you're the one reciting them..." I smiled.

I loved the way he was a romantic person... just like me.

He blushed a little, "Okay..." He said and cleared his throat. "If you've been brutally broken and still you have the courage to be gentle to others, then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself"

Oh My God! 

My subconscious looked at her with glittering eyes as if he was a prince descended from the moon, just for me.

He really is... amazing...

How come he always managed to say things that were a relief to me and were exactly what I wanted to hear at that point of time? I was really in awe of him. 

I clapped for him. "I want a love deeper than the ocean... from you" I said grinning.

"Ofcourse, I'll give you..." He said smiling back 

"Thank you..."

"I don't care whether you're brutally broken or not, whether you're gentle to me or not, but I'll always love you... and that love will be deeper than the ocean itself, I promise..." 

He came closer to me and soon his lips were on mine, he kissed me, amazingly as always and I gladly returned his kiss. 

The rest of the drive was silent, I was still intoxicated by the amazing man sitting beside me and by his kiss. I was overwhelmed. 

"We're here..." He said stopping the car.

"Where are we?"

"It's my favorite place. I wanted to bring you here..." 

We got out of the car and I looked around me. It was like a park, a huge park with beautiful flowers and big trees. The chirruping birds and beauty... of the nature. As we walked further, I saw a beautiful lake.


I'd never seen a place like that before. I was simply... amazing. It felt like one of the enchanted gardens shown in fairy tales.

"Such place do exist... out of fairytales" I mumbled.

"Yes... they do" He smiled. 

We sat on the grass and he pulled me closer to him. "When I first saw this place... I promised myself that I would bring the love of my life here, with me." He said.


"And... when I first saw you... for the first time, my soul pointed at you and whispered to my heart, 'her'..."

I looked at him, into his eyes and his eyes were charming... as ever. "Thank you... for bringing me here..." I said.

"Thank you for being in my life..." He said and kissed me.

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