Chapter 2

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The next day, when I entered the class, my eyes searched him. Generally, he used to come earlier than me. But that day, he was not there. 

I wondered why I kept searching for him, but... sadly, there was no answer.

"I don't know..."  My subconscious whispered.

I had only one fear in my mind,  

Maybe he is absent... 

I settled into my seat, my eyes longing for his glace. 

Suddenly, he came from the door and waved to his friends. 

As I saw him, my mind whispered, "Lucas..." and there was a sort of shimmer in my thoughts around his name... his face. I sighed,

Thank God he's not absent... 

I thought why I was so happy and... relieved by seeing him. 

"You like him." My subconscious declared. 

I like him? No!

I snapped at her and quickly rejected the thought. I was surprised how I was suppressing my own subconscious.

Even after trying to avoid the thought, I found myself continuously thinking about it. Later, I realized that probably my subconscious was right, I really do like him. 

I ran to find Amy. 

"Amy I need to tell you something..." I shouted as soon as I found her.

"What is it?" She asked excitedly.

"I.Like.Him..." I said 


"Him..." I was nervous, my heart pounding.


"The... basketball player..." I blushed at the thought of him as a basketball player.

Amy thought for a moment and then said, "Lucas?"

I nodded with a slight smile on my face.

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as she heard me. She blinked her eyes and smiled, "Good Choice..."

I grinned widely at her answer.

From that day, I started living in a dream world , thinking about Lucas all the time. I even dreamt of him. The nights in which he was in my dreams were the best. I was never be able to confess my feelings to him though. 

"Why don't you tell him?" Bella asked. 

"I'm afraid..." I told her.


"You know... Caleb is his best friend"

"So, what?"

"Caleb and don't like each other from sixth grade" 


"He must have a very low opinion of you.." Jane said guessing.

"Unfortunately... yes" I replied sadly.

"In that case, Lucas might also not like you..." Amy said.

"Maybe..." I shrugged my shoulders.

A few weeks later, we had our physics practical exam, I was not very well prepared. I was not very good in physics. 

"Are you well prepared?" Amy asked me.

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