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My heart almost failed as I heard those words coming out of his mouth. I was almost dead. My mouth dried. I struggled to breathe...

"What?" I managed to say.My voice hoarse. 

"Yes... I like you. I love you..." He said and I took a step back from shock. 


My eyes widened and I was well aware that my reaction was easily noticeable. 

"I... I realized it six years back when I saw you in... a mall, after the last day of school..." He sighed. 

I closed my eyes and remembered the day, the game of truth and dare, the shattering of my hear and feelings in a million pieces and... the end of any kind of love for this... this man standing in front of me.

"I liked you, Alexia. I just... I don't know... I was not able to accept it... accept my feelings for you. I... I saw you at the mall and I tried to approach you... but... I could't. I even asked Amy about it. But, she didn't tell me anything and said you don't want to see me."

Amy never told me! 

But that was probably because she didn't want to hurt me even more. After all, she was so angry and Lucas after all that. Being a friend she must've tried to preserve my already stabbed heart. I tried to stop my tears as I heard him say all that.

 He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing.

"I really... love you, Alexia"

"What about your girlfriend, with whom... you had... done everything?" I snapped at him.

"No... no..." He said shaking his head, "I did nothing with her, I never touched her. It... it waas just... a dare"

"A dare?" What the hell! All this is so complicated... so... difficult to process.

"Yes... Caleb gave me a dare. He dared me to say that if I was asked and they themselves asked me that question. I was also really upset and surprised. I didn't know why they did that. I didn't want to say something I had never done. But... I really had no choice" He said explaining.

"So... you too are still together?" I asked coming back to the question I asked.

"No..." He said shaking his head.

"Okay... so you too are not together anymore, so... you're trying on me?" I said before I knew it. But still I didn't regret it. 

"What? No!" He said as if surprised as well as hurt at my question.

I was not able to believe at his words. I only had one thing in mind... he was lying. I didn't want to trust him, not after all that... not after... all these years.

"Alexia... I'm not trying on you. I really like you and I broke up with him as soon as I realized that. It's been years since that relationship ended"

"Just stop it now!" I screamed furiously making him jump. "Lucas... I don't want to talk about all this. I don't want to hear all this!" 

He looked at me with shock as if he had never expected me to say that. 

"Just go away, Lucas... I don't want to look at you. I don't want to talk to you. I hate you!" I snapped.

"Alexia... I'm sorry... I know I... hurt you... very much. But I want you to give me second chance. I'm really begging for it. Please. I thought that you were the way my friends told me. I thought you..." He stopped and closed his eyes. "But I never knew... that.... you had such a beautiful heart. Please Alexia, I beg you to forgive me."

"You know how many dreams I had about you and me? I nurtured those dreams---"

"Those dreams can be fulfilled now..." He interrupted, "We can fulfill them together" 

I stared at him with fury.

Is he insane?

My subconscious was in her full anger, ready to beat this jerk standing in front of me. How dare he say those romantic words to me?  I'm not his girlfriend, I'm someone he broke into pieces.

"Unfortunately..." I said coldly. "Those dreams have now turned into nightmares. And... I want to escape from them. All I want from you now is that you let me!" I said harshly.

His eyes widened.

"I.Hate.You" I said each word a staccato. "And I can say this as many times as you want me to"

He looked at me with pain in his eyes. "Now... if you please excuse me from this useless conversation of yours, I have a date" I snapped at him.

I looked at the clock and quickly rushed towards my room. I wanted to look at him, his face. But I couldn't. My subconscious had her fists and teeth clenched because of anger. 

He doesn't have any right to say romantic things to me.

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