chapter 26 (angst ending)

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Hi guys stan sori her music is amazing and she deserves rhe love! She is so precious and kind to her fans and does so much to us and she is really the kindest human.


Chan dragged me up to sit with the whole group and the whole group i mean Minho was there as well......

The rest of the boys surrounded me asking trivial questions like, "what happened," and " are you okay". I made no attempt to answer them and just bowed my head down and nibbled at the corner of a sandwich. Not just any sandwich, yes this one here was called a sadwich to reflect my mood.

Minho didnt even dare to give me a look and over all 100% uncomfortable atmosphere. I think some of the others caught the awkwardness between us and how we werwnt sitting next to eachother not even talking!

Lunch was a thing of some small talk and mostly silence. The other 6 boys wanted to break the silence, yet it was to thick for them to even try to.

After some time I just got up and left to go anywhere but there. Not like I had other friends to go to, so I just walk around in peaceful silence, well that was my goal. Some annoying and rude person decided to follow me snd try to talk to me.

"Jisung... Jisung..... Jisunggggg!" Minho shouts after me sprinting to catch up. He tries to grab my arm, but thank the gods for my quick reflexes, I was able to dodge him.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Minho says to me smirking.

"Where ever you are not"

"Oh well you're going to have to try harder then that Hybrid." did he literally just refer to me as a Hybrid um what the fuck? ??

"Why did you refer to me as a 'Hybrid' isnt that a little weird?"

"How else would you like me to refer to you as, Disgusting ass, Bitch, faggot, useless, worthless?"

"Refer to me as Jisung or J.One or gone." I say turning around to run away, but no matter how fast i am he is stronger. Tackling me to the ground the breath escaped my lips.

"The principal need us," he says standing up and keeping my hands behind my back we walk to the office where the principal was waiting for us.

"You two sit down." He waves at the seats leaving the room and goes to do something. The next few minutes were quiet and stressed. I was filled with a sense or dread and I need to leave.

When Mr. Kim came back back he was accompanied by 3 police armed all their guns pointing at me and I raised my hand. One of the police shouted. "come with us calmly and we wont hurt you." I nodded okay showing I understood the instructions. One of the cops walked over to me tentatively fearing i may lash out and hurt her. Not like I would if I could my mind was shrouded in the hazy fear and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my body.

The hand cuffed my hands and roughly pushed me out the door and into their car. The drive to the jail they had was short. (I dont obviously know what its like getting arrested or anything so lmao) I was shoved into one of the holding cells and I feel face first onto the floor and they didnt even have the decency to get me out of my hand cuffs. "Your trial is tomorrow." He says and leaves emotionless and blank. My cell had one guard obviously for guarding me.

"Excuse me, I may not be familiar with getting arrested but dont I get a phone call?"

"Shut the fuck up or I will shoot you and say you were threatning me! We both dont want that do we." I froze, "I said do we want that!" He yelled and I shook my head quickly and just go over to the bed sitting uncomfortably.

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ