Chapter 21

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Hey guys I hope you enjoy the update. Lowkey not really doing well right now but i guess i cant ruin anyones day with the usual. i dont wanr to ruin anyones day or make anyone worry about how fucking lonely i am. Or how paranoid/anxious i am just ughhhh.

Also warning i am writing this from my tablet so it doesnt work well for my usual dedentish ways so like its sucks so haha yeah

*Jisungs POV*

For the first month all went smoothly and as it always went. Me and Minho no one could seperate us. I after a ton of considerstion decided to tell him I was a hybrid. I was so nervous as i dialed Minhos number on my phone. I felt as if the air was slowly getting squeezed out of me and everything felt heavy.

"Hey darling!" Minho says as he greets me.

" hi, " i say surprises how my voice didnt break or anything, i sounded normal. "So meet me on our place." I say as i hang up and walk towards the old, abandoned building. It was ljke the normal cliche building that was brokendown. I dont really know what it used to be but it has a door way to the roof. It was our place where we hang out.

~small timeskip brought to you by jisung singing~

"Hi darling!" Minho says as he greets me. I did not replt nor turn around from my pirch staring out in the distance. He walks up to me and wrapped me up in a hug. " are you okay babe? " he said concerned.

"No, i am scared and terrified. I have a huge secret and I trust you enough to love and support me right?" I ask hesitantly before i share anything.

"of course love I will always love and support you no matter what." He says hugging me and kissing me on my shoulder. I just pushed him away giving us some distance between us.

"you promise you will?"

" i pinky swear! " he says holding out his pinky and hooking it between mine with the brightest smile looking st me reasurring me.

"Okay this is really hard to say." I say and my heart drops as I rip off my beanie for the first time in front of someone. My ears pressed against my hair is now sticking up.

" im sorry love but my secret is im a Hybrid...... " I say looking at him hesitantly. Something within his eyes changed and his demeanor changed between shocked to almost cold. He backed up away further and further from me.

"I cant believe i was ever with someone like you! I am disgusted! you fucking useless hybrid." He yells slowly getting closer to me. His eyes ni more showed love or support like they did a minute ago. Each step he shouted more and more things. I shoukd have been used to it, but coming from him his everyword slowly broke my heart.

" you useless piece of shit. Your kind have killed and are disgusting. " he grabs the front of my shirt and whispered menacingly, "do me a favor okay? go die!" He says his spit flying on my face. He dropped me and walked off. i only dropped onto the floor, rethinking the last minute. He. ... He promised me he would always support me? I thought we were perfect, that nothing would rip us apart. "He promised.... HE PROMISED" i yell out at the world. "He promised...." I finally whispered brokingly. I couldn't contain the tears that threatened to come out.

" maybe i should really go and just die.... " i say crying as i neared the edge of the building.

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now