Chapter 15

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Literally have been so obsessed with PLT recently! There live vocals are unbelievable and I have seen a lot of people say that villans vocals are the best but personally Junes vocals are the best. This song is a good example about how beautiful his vocals are.

*Minhos POV*

It was another day going to school but I look forward to seeing Jisung, I slipped into school earlier then I would so I could place another note in his locker. About 20 minutes passed and I was in the dance room finalizing our dance so we could present it in about a week time. I was scared that we would do bad, but I didnt let myself go into those thoughts.

I decided to take a break and to cool down outside, I noticed that Jisung was coming so I lightly jogged over to him and walked in step with him. "Hi Jisung!" I say enthusiastically. He didnt reply to me so it just went into an awkward silence, I looked down and noticed that he had a slight limp but i shrugged it off thinking that he may have just fell or something, looking back up to his face as we entered the school it seemed his skin was a lot lighter then it usually is.

"Hey Jisung, are you okay?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah im fine, sorry I was just kinda lost in my thoughts." I nod and reply with,

"Relatable, anyways....." I dont really know what else to say so I say nothing. 'I really hope that cute squirell is okay.' Wait now that I think about it he does kinda resemble a squirell. 

*Time skip to lunch*

"Hey Jisung are you gonna eat lunch with us?" He looked down and shook his head no. "Oh okay well see you later!" I say and turn around leaving him, maybe it was not the best move to do.....

Woojin texted me hmmmm strange.

Woojin bear:
Hey Minho please meet me in Mr. Choi room plz its urgent!

Okay sure I will be there in a minute


It was honestly strange why does Woojin need me, but nonetheless I sped over to Mr. Choi's room and was met with the sound of sniffling. Closing the door behind me I see Woojin crying.  I ran over and sat by him rubbing his back, he turned to me and but his head onto my shoulder so I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a tight hug and slightly rocked him.

A few minutes have passed and Woojin has stopped crying and was seemingly trying calm himself. Pulling himself out my embrace he with a quiet voice said, "Minho I may have a problem." I tilted my head at him trying to say 'continue,'

He sighed and said, "So my first problem is that I like 2 boys....."

"Oh well thats ok-" but he cut me off  before I could finish.

"These 2 boys are dating eachother though," I just replied with Oh, which may have not been the best because the poor broke down crying again and I felt really guilty.

"Hey woojin its okay, maybe these two boys like you back!" Woojin just shook his head.

"These boys are to deep in there love....."

"Who are they Woojin?"

"Chan and Jeongin......" I nodded my head, and now it makes so much sense, his weird stares at the couple and how almost defeated he looked when they admited to being a couple.

"Hey maybe they like you too, kinda like what happened with the Norenmin couple!" Woojin looked skeptical so I decided to text Chan.

Hey bitch, I know someone that likes you but doesnt
think you will like him back....

He also likes Jeongin he likes both of you so I guess the
point of texting you is to see if you too are open to
possibly add a third into yall relationship if you like

I dont know I will have to ask Jeongin but I know
I am open for it if I like them back same with


"Woojin we got good news!!" He looked at me with his broken eyes and weakly moved his hands asking for me to explain. "So I may have texted Chan and he said he is open to a third if Jeongin is-" I was cut off with my phone buzzing showing Chan's name.

Hey I just talked with Jeongin and he has felt the
same so yeah we are both open :)

Omg okay this is good new thanks!

"And Jeongin is okay so now all you have to do is talk to them maybe afterschool today!" Woojin heard me but he didnt acknowledge what I said. After a bit he said a quiet ok and pulled himself and walked probably to his first period which I realized was only a few minutes away.

'I really hope Woojin will be okay!'

Hey guys I am back with another chapter I hope yall liked it! So this week I am gonna try to be a confident lesbian but yk I am not a confident person ooof lets see how this goes.

QOTD: Whats yall ult bias/group?

Answer: To many to count tbh but three of my ult bias are Yujin from CLC and Handong and Dami from Dreamcatcher!

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن