Chapter 22

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I... I don't know what stopped me from jumping. Mayve it was my fear of dying from falling. Maybe it was because I wanted to live a tad longer. Whatever it was I backed up, and ran. Out of the store. Just running.

My feet hit the concrete with a rythmic thump. Farther and farther, i dont know how far i ran but no where looked familiar. I was blindly stumbling through a part of my city which i have not yet explored. Fumbling my hands shaking i tried pulling my phone out of my pocket. I almost hit Minhos number until i remembered what happened. Tears threatened to fall out hard, faster.

Instead i click chans contact name, "hey chan.... Can you pick me up?? Im at the corner of," i look over to the street name. " im on the corner of Lore and Kim. " Chan said he would be there in a few minutes.

I sat down on the bench my foot tapping the floor in a panicked state. I had too much time to think of what just happened. I shut my eyes tightly when i felt the first tear streak down my cheek. I told myself that I should have expected it..... But he promised he would support me!

Chan please get here faster!

It felt like eternity and I couldnt control the few tears that slipped out. Finally he arrived. He walked out of the car and saw me on the bench. His face contorted into a confused worry state. "Jisung what happened! " he said running over towards me and sat beside me. He put a comforting hand on my back and rubbed my shoulders. I couldn't control the flow of salty tears.

"I.. I t t told, minho, i told minho bout," i couldnt form coherent sentences as the sobs wracked my body leaving me a shaking crying mess. Chan brings me closer and hugs me, everything that happens is just so upfront now. I couldnt stop crying harder, why me? Why do I always have to be so pained? Why cant i be happy and stay happy for one is it to hard to ask for??

"Its okay." Chan tries whispering to me to make me feel better, it doesnt help. He doesnt understand that nothing will be the same. Minho hates me, and i cant do anything.

"Here, come in my car and lets go to my place." He says. I nod and untangled myself from his arms and hop in his car. The next minutes blurred as we went to chans house. After what felt like a minute we were here. I use the last of my strength to go and walk to the couch.

I sit down and make my self comfortable, well as comfortable i can in this stiff couch.

"Hey hey chan?"

" Yes? "

"I i am i am really thir- really thirsty" I clutch my head as I began getting light headed and with my last request i felt everything blur.

*Chans POV*

Jisung passed out only a few seconds after clutching his head. What was his problem what happened??? I was biting my nails trying to figure out what happened. I decided to call Minho to see if he knew what happened to Jisung. He must be worried out of his mind.

Come on pick up Minho.

"Hello chan!" He says in a fake cheerful voice.

" hi are you okay? "

"Yes i just feel betrayed right now but whatever what do you need?"

" do you know what happened to Jisung? " he laughs on the other side of the phone.

"You mean that disgusting betrayer"

"Um what?"

" did you know he is a hybrid disgusting!! "

"I see."

" yep fuck him and every other hybrid. "

"Minho have some goddamn respect! Just because one killed your foster mother and father doesn't mean you can freak out on Jisung god. He aint even bad as you know goddamnit Minho, you fucked up. Your an impulsive hypocritical piece of trash! You say we shouldnt judge anyone from one person who fucks it up! I   Understand you lost your family then but if your ever listened to Jisung he lost his too. And everyone. Goood bye!" I hang up on him livid.

I sat down putting my forehead on the palms of my hands, running my hands through my hair i look over at Jisung with a pang of saddness. Why did Minho fuck it up?

You're a Hybrid??? (SKZ Jisung X Minho) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now