"You boys make yourselves feel at home, okay? You've still got some time before dinner is ready to hang out together. I'll call you down later." Roman's mom told them, pressing a kiss to her sons forehead and making his face burn brighter as he pulled away from her, urging Patton, Virgil, and Logan to follow him up the stairs to his bedroom quickly.

"You guys can sit anywhere," Roman said as he sat down on his bed. Patton plopped down onto a large red beanbag while Virgil chose the wheeled-desk chair that sat at Roman's desk.

"Lot of Disney stuff," Virgil commented as he sat down, looking around all of the posters on his walls as well as different figurines lining shelves. "I've got the same Nightmare Before Christmas posters."

"You like Nightmare Before Christmas?" Roman asked, eyes lighting up. He shook his head quickly. "No, no, if we start talking about Disney I'll go on forever... Maybe another time. Shouldn't we be discussing a plan for confronting Sebastian?"

"Yes, we should." Logan spoke up, sitting up a little straighter in Virgil's and his seat. "We don't even know how we're going to manage to talk to him alone yet. I think your parents will be confused and possibly upset with us for bringing up something like this. There's also an issue with how exactly we are going to bring this up."

"I don't know about getting him alone, but... when we do talk to him, shouldn't we like, prove to him that you're here or something? That way we can convince him to actually talk about it. Otherwise I don't think he'd be very willing to share anything." Roman suggested.

"Yes, that is a good idea... but how exactly do we do that?" Logan questioned.

"The book thing!" Patton piped in randomly, gaining confused looks from the others in the room.

"Y'know, the book thing!" He waggled his fingers in the air, looking as if this should be making perfect sense. When it didn't click for everyone he finally explained further. "When we were in the library before, Logan showed us this thing he could do with the books. He picked them up and moved them without touching them! That would prove that he was here."

"Good idea, Patton." Roman smiled and Patton beamed. The four of them continued going over plans up until Roman's mom's voice was heard from the floor below letting them all know that dinner was ready. The four of them clambered down the stairs one by one, Virgil in the back. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he got a glance into the kitchen, freezing on the last step as he finally saw Sebastian. He lost his balance as he was staring, eyes widening as he suddenly began falling forwards. Virgil just barely managed to catch himself by grabbing onto the banister, pulling himself back upright.

"Careful there!" He heard an unusually familiar voice call with a laugh, looking up to meet eyes with Sebastian. Virgil wondered briefly why he had thought that his voice was familiar as he had certainly never met this man before, deciding after a moment it must have something to do with Logan. He tried not to seem so shaken up as he rushed to catch up with his friends who had already made it to the kitchen table, taking a seat beside of Patton and keeping his eyes on the table.

"Are you okay?" Patton asked after nudging his shoulder a few times to get his attention. Virgil nodded a little too quickly and unconvincingly, but Patton just frowned and didn't say anything else. There wasn't much he really could say in their current situation.

Virgil did try his best to act normal throughout dinner. He answered any questions directed to him, put on the most convincing smile he could to seem as though he were in a good mood, and ate all of the food on his plate that Roman's parents had prepared together. Virgil tried so hard, but he just couldn't keep his eyes away from Sebastian.

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