I'm safe

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Hey my pandas! How are y'all? I hope you're swell!

Sorry I haven't posted today, I've been babysitting!

I hope y'all have a good week at school!

Without further ado, on with the story!

Enjoy :)


Normal P.O.V

Sting looked back to the group before knocking on the door, hoping to gain entrance to this mans home for any signs of his favorite mage.

The door opened a little bit, revealing the mans glaring red eye. "What do you want?" He spat in the same tone that he spoke to Lucy with.

"Um, uh, I unfortunately got lost while looking for my cat. Have you seen him?" Sting asked quietly, wanting to sound defenseless and like he actually needed help.

"No. I haven't." The man rolled his eyes at poor Sting.

"Well, I've been out here a while, do you have a bathroom I could use real quick?" Sting brought his hand to the back of his neck, lightly scratching it.

The man looked around before fully opening the door. "Make it quick."

As soon as Sting was in the house, the man slammed the door. Sting froze for a second. The mans house was filled with Lucy's scent. He could clearly smell her, without a doubt he knew it was Lucy.

When he walked into the bathroom, his eyes filled with tears. She was here. She wasn't gone. Her scent of vanilla and strawberries heavily filling his nose, relieving him to know the blonde was alive.

His body also filled ungodly amounts of rage, he thought he could get away with this? Oh that man couldn't be anymore wrong.

He whistled quietly out the window, seeing the heads of Rogue and Natsu pop up. Sting gave a nod and the boys signaled to the rest of the group.

Sting walked out of the bathroom, seeing the man sit on the couch of his small living room. A bright glow caught his eye, making him look towards a table. Lucy's keys had been set down in a neat looking order.

"Wow, those are some nice keys. Where'd you get them?" Sting inquired, hoping for the man to spill the beans.

"A celestial mage gave them to me before she passed, she had been a life long friend of mine." The man smiled, Stings fists tightening.

"Now sir, I think that's where you're wrong. Those keys belong to Lucy." Stings fist glowed a brilliant white glow, the mans body followed, emitting different hues of blue and black.

"Give her back to me!" He yelled, hurdling one of his holy attacks towards the older man.

Lucy heard a loud bang, followed by a loud yell. Her eyes widened and they filled with tears of joy.

It was Sting.

She knew it was.

"Sting! Help! I'm down here!" She yelled as loud as her vocal cords could allow, making her throat become sore and scratchy.

She fell to her knees, unable to control her cries. She wanted the boy oh so badly, her small, frail body was afraid.

She missed her best friends too, not just Sting. She was lucky she had Team Natsu behind her, trying to find her.

The small trap door at the top of the stairs burst open, and a group of small cats came flying down with two sets of keys.

"Happy!" Lucy screamed, reaching out to him, as he was the only one she recognized at the moment due to her clouded mind.

"Lucy, here I have these for you." He smiled before throwing Lucy her keys, Lector and Frosch use the other set to open Lucy's cell as well as her restraints, and the cell of Jade, the other girl being held captive.

Happy flew into Lucy's chest, making the girl feel the comforts of home. Lucy was back on her knees, hugging the exceed as tight as she possibly could.

Her tears were unstoppable. Her shakes were violent. Lucy felt so frail and vulnerable in that moment. She felt as though she'd never have the mental or physical strength to do anything again.

A bright light illuminated the room, making Lucy look into the eyes of her favorite spirit, Loke.

"Princess! Oh thank goodness you're okay." He sighed, patting her head in the most gentle, loving way possible.

"Loke, help me up. I have to go up there." She sniffled, putting Happy down.

"Lucy, I can't let you do that. You can barely stand." He sympathized.

"I can do this." She pressed, taking deep breaths while she gathered her strength to transform into her Taurus star dress.

Lucy was able to master some of the star dresses just after the games, giving her the strength of her spirits without them physically being there.

"Come on Loke, we have to help."

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