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Hey my pandas! It's the last day of my weeks of updates :( but thank you sooooo much for 2k! It's so exciting to see that many reads!

I'll be going back to the regular Wednesday and Saturday updates.

I've got a few other stories in the works that are not yet published, and once this story is over, or if one of my other stories finish sooner, I'll publish those.

I have another Sticy/Stinglu one, a Nalu one and a couple others that could turn out to be really cute.

I may even publish them sooner once they are a little more developed, but who knows. I like the story behind all of them so far, some you guys have most definitely seen before, and some that you guys more than likely haven't, but hey that's the fun of writing!

I like seeing all the different twists and turns authors put into stories, even if the plots are the same, so many things are different and I love seeing that. It shows their personality and creativity.

Man, this has been a long authors note, sorry lmao. I've kept you long enough.

Without further ado, on with the story! Enjoy my pandas :)


Normal P.O.V

"Please? Five more minutes?" Lucy pleaded towards Sting who was frowning.

"Fine, but that's it. I don't want to miss the last train to Crocus." Sting softly smiled before bringing the blonde back into his arms again.

The pair were still in Lucy's apartment, but Sting was about to leave back to Sabertooth. Lucy didn't want him to go of course, but he had no choice. He was the master and he had a guild to run.

He looked at the clock on her wall and started to loosen his grip on the blonde.

"Blondie, it's time for me to go." He places his hands on her shoulders and softly smiled towards the girl.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon." He pulled the blonde in for a brief kiss on her cheek before walking out of her apartment. She ran to her window to see him walking off.

"You better come back soon, or I swear you'll face my wrath!" She yelled toward him, giggling.

He tuned around with a giant smirk on his face. "Oh I know blondie, I know." The boy turned around and continued his walk, Lucy watching until he was out of sight.

Once he was gone, Lucy's mood took a shift for the worst, She was sad Sting had left her, she wanted him to stay for as long as possible.

Since it was only evening, Lucy decided to pay her beloved guild a visit in hopes of cheering her up.

When she walked in an upset Natsu walked up to her. "Where'd you go this morning Luce?" Lucy froze, she didn't think of a lie she would have to tell, which was quite stupid of her considering she couldn't let her guild know of her relationship with Sabertooth's master.

"Oh, I um...wasn't feeling well! Yea that's it, but I'm feeling better now." She nervously giggled, her hand finding its way to the back of her neck.

"I'm glad you're feeling better Luce," he smiled, and for once Lucy was happy that the dragon slayer was dense.

After her brief conversation with Natsu, Lucy saunters over to the bar with a dazed, happy look on her face. Mira giggled, already having the blondes order ready.

"Thanks Mira," Lucy happily sipped her milkshake, and Mira picked up on her perky attitude.

"Someone's very happy." Mira smiled, happy to see the blonde so happy.

"Yea, I am." Lucy smiles, thinking of Sting, his kind words and touch.

"Got someone on your mind, hmm?" She asked the younger mage in a joking tone. Not expecting the reply she actually got.

"Yea." Lucy said before she realized what left her mouth, but the damage had already been done.

Lucy heard a thud and the white haired maid left her vision.


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