A rather large glass of beer was dropped on the counter in front of me, pulling me out of my cluttered thoughts. Shelli's smiling face popping into view as she took the empty seat next to me. "You look like you could really use one of those right night. Don't worry, I won't tell your doctors."

"You're the best," I took a large swig before placing the pint back on the counter, "Are the guys going on soon?" Neither of us had seen them all day, only knowing about the show because Krist made a last-minute phone call to my apartment to invite us.

She shrugged, "Honestly I haven't seen my husband since he left the house to pick up Kurt and Dave this morning. Said something about last minute changes that needed to be made." She quickly downed a shot, "Who knows with them honestly."

"I'm just glad Krist called me," I reply lowly, "If it wasn't for him, neither of us would be here tonight." It was my jab at the lack of communication between my supposed boyfriend and I recently. Throughout our internal conflict, Kurt has done his best to keep his distance from the danger zone as well. Resulting in Shelli being my only confident.

She mutters something under her breath before downing another shot that was sitting in front of her. "If Dave's going to let this bump in the road rip your relationship to shreds, he truly in an idiot because you're the best thing that will ever happen to that boy. He should be grateful he met you so young."

"She... Eva," I paused, "Was his daughter too. He loves kids and I know how happy he would've been to learn she was on the way." My hands move up to my face, palms pressing against my eye lids. "God I'm a terrible mom for not even knowing she existed. I should've had a feeling or something..."

Shelli placed a soft hand on my shoulder, like a mother would when consoling a distressed child. "You didn't have symptoms Rose. None of us expected it either," Her other hand reached up to wipe away a stray tear that had appeared, "You will be a great mother in the future. Take your time and worry about your mental state right now."

"Thanks mom," I joke to hide my wince at her comment about the future. We shared a laugh before I leaned forward to prevent any wandering ears from hearing, "I really appreciate everything you've done for me recently though. You didn't have to give up those hours at work, but it means the world that you were there for me."

"You're family Rosemary. We take care of one another." While she was talking her eyes darted over my shoulder, widening slightly at something. "Holy shit..."

"What?" I turned, my jaw dropping immediately. "Oh my god."

Dave and Krist stood a few steps down from us, seemingly trashed as they continued to down drinks from a tray on the bar. Their drunkenness wasn't what shocked us though. It was Dave's short hair. "It's... gone. Have you ever seen him with hair that short?"

"Never that fuckin short." I was in shock because no matter how much Dave hated the grown-out blonde in his hair, I figured he'd wait until it was longer before cutting it off. "He really needed that blond shit gone I guess."

A group of giggly college girls walked up to the two of them, no doubt hoping to get lucky and score a hook up after the gig. My breath hitched when Dave's laugh echoed through the room, but I calmed down when the girls were sent off with their shoulders slumped. "New year, new you I guess." Shelli watched as they downed another two shots, falling into a fit of laughter. "If they drink anymore, they won't be able to play."

"I bet it's because Dave's birthday was four days ago and Krist had work so he couldn't join us." It took a lot for Dave to be 'fall on your ass' drunk, but by the looks of it, he was getting close. "Kurt and I planned things to do at the apartment since I'm still technically not supposed to be out and about, but he had a fit and eventually Kurt gave in and took him to a bar."

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