(16) Hotter than Jace

Start from the beginning

I suddenly trip over my own feet due to the shaking and fall, landing on top of someone, instantly wrapping my arms around their neck as they do the same, their hands falling to my waist.

Once the upheaval is done and the world stops moving, I glance at the changed surroundings before turning my head sheepishly, and nearly fainting when I notice that I hadn't just fallen on somebody, but I had sat on their lap.

And of course, that someone had to be Alec.

I swallow nervously, staring wide eyed at him as he smiled back, nervous at our position, before swiftly removing my hands from his neck since I no longer needed the stability as he moves his hands from my hips and I quickly jump up and step back a few yards, blushing horrendously.

"Talk about literally falling for him" Izzy says, her voice teasing as she giggles, and as I glance up, I notice that everyone appears to be looking between Alec and I, a teasing and knowing smile on their face, even Magnus winks suggestively at me.

I cough awkwardly before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and walking away to the side, ignoring Izzy and Clary's mischievous looks, and from the corner of my eye I can tell Alec is attempting to avoid Jace's smirk too.


I swiftly zone out as Magnus gives Izzy the red ruby necklace as a thank you gift and merely acknowledge the weird flirting that Magnus appeared to be doing with Alec.

I say merely acknowledge but I may have been more aware than I'm letting on.

Oh well.

"Okay," Clary states, standing up and facing the rest of the room "How do we summon the memory demon?" She asks expectantly at Magnus and I swiftly walk over, standing next to her and closer to the rest of the group.

"Are you certain?" Magnus asks, "Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal"

"We're willing to do anything to save our mother," I say, barely flinching at the prospect of it being dangerous.

Literally everything we've done has been dangerous, what's stopping us now?

"Okay" Magnus says nodding, before gesturing over to Jace and Alec. "Pretty boy, get your team ready"

Jace walks over, ready to prepare everyone. "I know what to do" He mumbles, but is quickly cut short by Magnus uncaringly holding his hand out to stop him, a mocking smile on his face.

"I'm not talking to you" Magnus says with a smirk, before pushing Jace slightly to the side to reveal an unaware Alec. "I'm talking to him" Magnus exclaims flamboyantly, his hand pointing exaggeratedly to a stunned Alec and I snort at Jace's bewildered expression.

"Well he aint wrong" I say laughing in agreement, before swiftly halting my laugh when I notice that all are eyes are on me, and as my eyes glance at an amused Magnus, I gulp fretfully. I clear my throat awkwardly whilst nervously playing with the ends of my hair.

"Don't we have a demon to summon?!" I exclaim, before swiftly turning on my heels and rushing out, mentally scolding myself for basically saying that I did think Alec was hotter than Jace.

I mean he is.

But that doesn't mean I wanted him to know that.


"Jocelyn was right" Magnus says smiling, impressed, as everyone enters the room and marvels at Clary and I's pentagram for the demon summoning.

There's a sentence I never thought I would say.

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