Where Do We Stand?

Start from the beginning


"Well, that was tiring." Minako sat down. We were at the roof. The time was 5:10 a.m. The sun had already rise. The cheery blossoms looked amazing, like the day of the third years graduation.
"This brings back memories." Minako said, gazing at the cheery blossoms. I still I had one thing to do.
"Hey, you okay? Wanna rest?" She said, patting her lap indicating to lay down on her lap. I blushed, wiped it off and lay my head on her lap. It was warm.
"Haaa.." I sighed. It reminds me of that day.
"It reminds you of that day too, huh?" Minako said, smiling.
"Yeah... My eyes feel heavy." I said, about to close my eyes.
"Huh!? Wait don't die on me! I mean, didn't we get out of there? Did you do something?" She panicked, her eyes was about to tear. I sat up and went to the railings. Trying to hold my laughter.
"Pfffttt!!! Hahahahaha!!!" I burst out laughing. She stood up and headed right towards me.
"Hey, it's not funny alright?" She was really worried. I stopped laughing.
"I'm sorry..." I apologized. She hugged me from behind.
"You promise we'll get out of there together, right?" She said. She pulled back.
"Yeah, and here we are." I said. I looked at her.
"Then promise me, we'll be together. Forever." She said. Blushing. I was speechless. I didn't know what to do, and checked my pocket. It was there. I brought it.
"Alright. I won't confess to you." I said. Her eyes widened. She was shocked. Hurt. I went to her side and kneeled down.
"But I will propose to you." I said. Taking out the ring and smiling at her. She was about to burst into tears.
"Minako Arisato, for how long we've known each other, even though we are from different dimensions, I would lay my life and love for you. I love you with everything I owe, even my life." A tear drop from her eye.
".... For how long I've meet you, I've always loved you. Your hair, your clumsiness, your cheerfulness. I love everything about you. Will you marry me?" I finally said it. She was crying tears of joy and had the warmest smile on her face. The cherry blossom petals was blowing in the sky, that day.
".. Yes!" She said. I stood up and Minako hugged me. We hesitated at first but we had a passionate kiss. We pulled back and I slipped the ring onto her ring finger.
"I'm so happy." She said. She was still crying.
"I'm happy too." I said. Looking at her. We didn't notice but Ren and Yu was watching the whole thing.
"Hey, lovebirds!" Yu shouted.
"Come on, they are going to start the school already. We have to get home." Ren exclaimed. We nodded and ran towards them. We then went back to out apartment, said goodbye to Ren and Yu, then went inside. It was a bit awkward.
"S-So, what should we do now?' Minako fidgeted.
"Umm, I'm a bit tired. So let's go and sleep?" I said, awkwardly.
"Yeah! Yeah! G-Good night!" She went to her room and shut her door. I went to my room, took a bath and changed my clothes.
"Well, I'll go to sleep." I went to sleep.


"Hngghh... Huh!?" I slept until 9:00 p.m.!? Well I'm not surprised. Wait what am I doing here still, I'm supposed to be with Minako. We're married. I mean not yet but....
"Ahh... Get that thought out of my mind." I said. I wanted to be with her. I didn't imagine this is how married life is. No, its not like this......
"Maybe... I should check on her..." I said, creeping out my bed and opened my door. I went towards Minako's rooms and tried to knock.
"Come on, just knock." I said. I hesitated at first then in the fifth try I knocked.
"Hey Minako?" I said. The door opened, to see her with her hair down. She looked cute.
"W-what?" She blushed.
"Ah, umm. Its nothing. Just wanted... To check on you." I can't do it! I'm a failure as a man. I then walked back discourage, when something tugged my shirt.
"U-Umm, c-could you s-stay with me, t-t-tonight?" She asked, her face was really red. Like a tomato.
"... Alright." I was also blushing.


We sat on my bed, a king size bed, it was supposed to be Minato's room and the one he was staying in was the guest room, I was fidgeting. Minato was also fidgeting, not knowing what to do.
"U-Umm..." I started the conversation.
"How was it?" I asked.
"About what?" He didn't know.
"Meeting your friends again, how did it feel like?"
"It was... Nice. Being stuck in a seal for 8 years and see them all grown up. I was sad and happy." He smiled.
"Well, at least they remember you." I looked down.
"... I'm sorry." He said.
"Its... Its alright." I tried to smile.
"If only, someone was there to remember me..." If only 'He' was there.... I shake my head trying to lose that thought. No, Ryoji and me we were dating but that's in the past, so why... Do I feel I shouldn't have this. Like I'm doing something wrong....
"..... You're thinking about Ryoji?" He asked. My eyes widened. How did he know....
"How did you..."
"Well, I've been looking at you since the beginning and... I met Ryoji that night on the bridge." He said. This was the first.
"And what did he say?" I looked down. I think I knew what Ryoji said.
"He said, you and him dated before." I bit my lip.
"It hurt me a bit. That time I thought I lost you, after I met you and before I met you. I've already lost you, I thought that time." He said. His eyes was about to tear up.
"But Ryoji said, he wasn't the one for you. I was. Its because I was the person that's closest to you. That he knows that I should be the one next to you." He looked at me. Our hands interlocked.
"He said, go forward. In all of this chaos, we all need a place to stand. We need someone with us, to be with there, someone precious. So now who do you stand with in all of this?" Minato smiled. The feeling of hesitation was rid from my chest. I cried a little, saying thank you to Ryoji in my heart.

"Thank you, Ryoji."
"May you have a happy life, Minako." Ryoji then walked forward.

I smiled. Our faces got closer, and we shared a passionate kiss. We embraced each other and pulled away. Minato pinned me down on the bed.
"Do...you... Umm.." He was stuttering. I held my hand on his face.
"Yes." I smiled. We closed the lights and enjoyed what time we had. It was a night I would always remember. My eyes always wondered around you Minato. My heart has always been yours since the start....
"Where we stand... Is right here with our friends. With each other. Forever, until death do we part."

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