My Roommates‼️

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I walk into my room and my roommate is already there with one of her friends.

"Hey" I say as I walk into the room and start to put my stuff down.

"Hey, I'm Kodie, your roommate." She says

"And I'm Tei (pronounced Tay) I'll be in here all the time so get used to this face." she laughs.

"Akikiki. No muhfucka, ya not!" Kodie laughs.

                                                                                        That's Kodie

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

That's Kodie

                                                                                           That's Tei

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

That's Tei

"Alright we gotta ask you something." Kodie says.

"Wassup? Y'all aint gon ask me for no threesome or nothin right?"

"Nah," Kodie goes quiet for a second, "well not on the first day."

"We tryna ask you do you got a problem with gay people." Tei blurts.

"Nah, I'm bi. Hence the rainbow hair." I laugh.

"Well you never know, you gotta ask these types of things these days." Kodie laughs.

"Aye, we never got ya name, and do you care if we smoke?" Tei asks.

"My name's Sydney Rihann, but y'all can call me Syd. No I don't care if y'all smoke. I smoke too."

"I'm in love already, Kodie." Tei says.

"Not already. She probably got somebody already. Chill tf out."

"Not my Rihann. Not MY Baby Mama!" Tei laughs.

"Alright I'm about to get ready and stuff. The Kappas are having a party tonight, y'all coming?"

"I mean we could but the question is should we?" Tei asks.

"How much this nigga been smoking, Kodie?" I laugh

"Don't mind this goof troop crack baby. Yeah we'll go." Kodie laughs, "What time and where is it at?"

"About that... I don't actually know yet, but when Jahseh picks me up tonight, I'll text y'all the details."

Kodie and Tei look at each other.

"You fuck with Jah?" Tei asks.

"No, I just met him today and he asked to take me to dinner before the party."

"Aw, well we went to school with that nigga. Jus keep ya guard up kiddo." Kodie says.

"Man, fuck him. Nigga I'll take you to dinner" Tei laughs.

"Alright well I'm finna get ready. I hope y'all don't care if I blast my music." I say grabbing my fit, panties, and a towel and heading to the bathroom. I take a shower and make sure I shave everything. When I get out I put on my Pure Seduction lotion and perfume form Victoria's Secret. I put on my new black and gold boyshorts from Pink. I go over my toes with a coat of white polish to make sure they're in tip top shape. I pluck my eyebrows, put on some lashes, put some highlight on and put on my hair store lipgloss, cuz that's the best kind PERIODTT! When I look at my phone it's 6:57.

"Alright y'all I'm out. See y'all at the party." I say grabbing my purse and putting my charger in it.

"Dayumn, yep Kodie, I'm in love."

"Leave that girl alone." Kodie laughs

"Peace and Love y'all" I say throwing up my deuces.

"See she love me, Kodie. I love you too, baby." Tei says.

I hear Kodie laughing as I sashay out the door.

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