"Just for that, you two can lift the cauldron on to the table," Molly pointed to her huge cauldron that sat on the stove and was steaming with French onion soup inside.

"Sure thing, Mum," they cheered a little too happily for her liking and she turned her head just at the right time to see them point their wands at the cauldron, causing it to levitate off the stove and over to the table.

"No, no, no! Just carry it-"

She was cut off by the sound of metal hitting the wooden table and sliding down its length, leaving black skid marks that looked hot to touch. The cauldron flew at such speed that Blair feared it was never going to stop and poor Ginny who was still standing at the end of the table, would be hit and covered in boiling, hot soup. But Fred and George were too skilled for their own good and stopped it in its tracks, leaving a small drip of the creamy goodness to fall off the edge and on to the floor. Jasper, who had padded into the room in wonder, immediately started to lick up the puddle and purr at its flavour.

"And now for the cutlery!" Fred cheered and pointed his wand to the drawer of knives, forks and spoons.

"No!" Molly cried again but the silverware had already left the drawer and was flying through the air.

Unfortunately, Fred had overestimated the spell he had cast and one knife slid off of the table that it was meant for and stabbed itself into the chair that Sirius had just stood up from. Sirius stopped on his small pursuit to pour more wine into his glass and looked to where he had been sitting, the knife sticking up as its blade was deep into the wood. He looked mildly surprised but continued to pour his wine without much thought to it.

"Do you know how dangerous that could have been?!" Molly shouted as she hit Fred on the shoulder for the second time today. "I'm half tempted to take away your wands until you can learn to behave like adults!"

"We do behave like adults," George fought back while Fred sent an apologetic look to Sirius as he pulled the knife out of his chair. "We've already hired our first employee as business owners!"

"Is it Lee?" Ron sniggered while sitting down at the table.

"It actually isn't, Ickle Ronnie-kins," Fred sassed back while sitting opposite him. "It's Blair; our potioneer."

"Oh no, Blair, you're not really going to be working for these two, are you?" Ginny winced and hoped to be told otherwise.

"Sorry to disappoint you all, but it's true," Blair said as she sat next to George at the table. If everyone had been silent, they would have heard Molly's heart drop into her stomach at the sound of Blair working for what she thought was an idiotic idea of her sons'.

Blair took no notice of the disappointment in Ron, Ginny and even Hermione's face. She thought it was great idea to have a job set for her when she leaves Hogwarts. Even though her savings would last her like a pension would, she liked the idea of getting a job in something she was talented at and had an interest in. And what place better than Weasley Wizard Wheezes that everyone at Hogwarts already knew about and were bursting for products? Blair didn't know what it would be like to work with her boss being the boy she was having a relationship with, but it was bound to be interesting to say the least.

"And the amount of Love Potions you'll be making, you're bound to be having some... lasting effects," Fred said from his place at the end of the table and wiggled his eyebrows at his twin. George turned a deep shade of red and lifted his knife from the table, threatening to jab it into his brother's arm. Blair's face heated to a similar shade to George's and cleared her throat awkwardly, leaving George to threaten his brother for his unnecessarily sexual comment.

The cauldron that sat in the middle of the table had its contents emptied by the table's occupants. Bill Weasley had entered the kitchen halfway through dinner and said that Kreacher had somehow locked him in the bathroom for the entirety of his absence. He said he had headed to the bathroom after the Order meeting and found that Kreacher had been standing outside and was clicking his fingers every time he tried to exit back into the hallway. The elf laughed evilly but forgot that Bill had the ability to apparate (to which he himself had only remembered after ten minutes of trying to force the door open). Kreacher had scurried off once Bill had popped into the hallway and hadn't been seen since.

"That wretched elf," Sirius cursed and went to the stand from the table, only to be stopped by Hermione.

"No, he's just old! Don't punish him," she fought and Sirius sat back down, still with a scowl on his face and with the intention to find his servant later and hex his nose off.

"So what has Fudge got against me, then?" Harry decided to ask. He had gotten a hold of the recent edition of the Daily Prophet and had seen one of the many articles that Rita Skeeter had written about him under the influence of Cornelius Fudge.

Sirius and Molly exchanged a look. It was strictly Order business but nothing could stop the boy from seeing all the media and public opinion about his claim of You Know Who being back. Molly of course was adamant about keeping him in the dark of the situation, but Sirius wanted his godson to be aware. Dumbledore had also been reluctant to let Harry in on Order business, but Remus had been persuasive in favour of Sirius. But Molly's overpowering voice stopped any additions to the thought.

"He's afraid," Sirius answered wearingly, constantly looking between Harry and Molly. "Thinks that Dumbledore's put you up to all the claims so that he can then take his job as Minister."

"That's ridiculous," Harry shook his head.

"Of course it is. But fear makes people do irrational things," he replied and finally settled on ignoring Molly's hard stare. "Fudge also thinks that Dumbledore wants to build a sort of army to overtake the Ministry altogether."

"Right, we've been through this!" Molly interrupted and leaned over the table to point a finger at Sirius. "I will not sit here and let you tell him everything about what we've discussed in the meetings! He's not James, Sirius!"

"He's not your son," he hissed back, now irritated and losing his cool facade.

"He's as good as!"

"I think I'm within my rights to hear things that involve me, Mrs Weasley," Harry's tone was calm but had a hint of defence.

She was now at a loss and all her children (plus Hermione and Blair) looked up at her expectantly. It was true with what Harry said and she didn't want to suppress him anymore than he has been with living with his awful relatives. But her motherly instincts stretched over him and made her want to store him away so he couldn't hear about all the frightening and overwhelming things that he was bound to encounter in the future.

"I see that I'm being overruled here," Molly sighed angrily but looked to the rest of the people at the table. "But the rest of you can head right upstairs!"

"We're of age!" George spoke up and pointed to himself, Fred and Blair. "We should be able to listen!"

"I don't care! You will do-"

"We'll just keep apparating back into the room, then," Fred interrupted, making Molly's face turn pink.

"Fine! But the rest of you-"

"Harry's gonna tell us anyway," Ron said as he pointed to Hermione before turning to his best friend with a worried look. "Y-You will, won't you?"

Molly fumed when she saw Harry confidently nod and glared harshly at Sirius for being the first to bring up the topic and causing everyone in the room to turn against her. Bill had shrunk in his seat and had grabbed hold of Jasper from the floor, putting the cat into his lap so that he could appear too busy petting him to look up at his mother. Blair sat quietly and wished that Crookshanks had also walked into the room, giving her something to busy herself with too.

"Fine! Ginny! Upstairs!"

The youngest Weasley had no choice but to stomp out of the room and up the stairs. But most of the people in the kitchen knew that she'd find Fred's stash of Extendable Ears that they had duplicated for different prototypes and listen in anyway. 

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