Chapter 5- Rainy Day

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I got to work at the same time as Ezrah in the morning to open up. The streets were still dark so I had clutched my knife in my hand the whole way there, tucked tight inside my pocket. In the streetlights, Ezrah looked older than he really was, his wrinkles were more prominent and his face more red. I was really hoping that he wasn't going to be sick again. I never minded running the shop when he was gone, I knew how, but it worried me every time. It was like a never ceasing cycle of healthy for a few days, then sick for a couple of weeks.

He twisted a key in the lock and had to jimmy it a couple of times for it to open. Once we both stepped inside, I stomped my feet a couple of times to get circulation back in them, then turned back to the door and locked it again three times to make sure it was all of the way shut. The walk had been cold and long, the temperature dropped more than I had expected it to. With the shop opening at six and two of us working together, we didn't have to rush as much. I got the ovens started and pulled out the mop, and I told Ezrah that he should stick to doing paperwork and the less strenuous stuff.

I only had the counters and tables to wipe down when it was a quarter until opening. I jumped slightly as music started playing overhead, but when I whipped around, I noticed Ezrah standing behind the counter with my phone plugged into the sound system. I placed my hand on my chest in shock, but Ezrah just grinned, "This is your normal playlist, right? It's just us here, you may as well get a good start on the day."

I laughed at his logic, but I couldn't deny that listening to broadway and dancing around helped me wake up a bit. Ezrah had gotten to know some of my music over the years as well, so occasionally he would hum along or even sing it a little bit with me. After the first few songs, an old classic came on from a favorite of mine, 'Singing in the Rain' and I laughed as Ezrah attempted to recreate the tap number. He ended the piece by grabbing my hands and spinning me around a few times, then dipping me towards the ground.

I stood back up laughing, admitting to myself that I did indeed feel better and more awake. As soon as the next song started, the alarm on my phone went off, reminding us that it was time to open the doors. I sighed, sliding the mop and rags back into the closet and pulling on my apron as I headed to the front door. I wasn't sure that I was truly ready to face the public for the day, but I didn't exactly have much of a choice. I flicked the lock open and went back to the register, cleaning it up to get a good start on the day.

I was on my knees, digging out more receipt paper when I heard the bell jingle. I gripped the edge of the counter and pulled myself up, shoving the hair out of my face as I stood. "Good morning, how can I-" I cut myself off as I noticed who it was. It wasn't the normal trucker type that I was used to seeing at that time. It was the two men in their impeccable suits, and it seemed that I was right to assume that they knew each other. I finished my sentence after a second's hesitation "..... help you."

The blonde one, the one I had met first, was obviously the more friendly of the two. They both read as dangerous when I looked at them, but he seemed to be much more willing to crack a smile, which he did as he nodded to me, "Good morning to you as well, Ms. Eliana. Same thing as before, just a bunch of black coffee. Except this time we need..." He looked at his companion who was still silent. "I think ten of them?"

The dark haired one, the one that had cheekbones Monica had deemed 'sharp enough to cut marble', just gave a slight inclination of his head, looking straight ahead and occasionally letting his eyes wander to me or his friend.

I reached under the counter to grab the carrying case and a marker as he swiped his credit card. "That's more than usual. Big meeting this morning?"

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