“I can’t believe you did this to me.  Look at me Braylin, look at how I’m dressed.  I understand that you couldn’t find me and your mad.  But was it really necessary to drag me out of there practically undressed.  I was embarrassed.  You could have allowed me some dignity.  To answer your stupid question NO….I’m not hungry, I’m angry at YOU.”  She turns away from him to go to her room leaving a stunned Braylin at the bottom of his stairway with a fixed stare at her cute ass sticking out as she marches up each step.

The following morning Braylin is dressed for work.  He’s having his coffee and a light breakfast in the kitchen with Anzio. 

“Is she alright?”   Anzio ask him noticing the weary look on Braylin’s face.

“Yes, at least I think she is.  She’s just not talking to me.”  Braylin tells him.  Braylin told him and Millie about her ex-fiancé breaking into her house and that she was hiding from Liam and him.  Anzio knew Braylin would find her, she’s nothing like the other women he’s been involved with.  He’s fallen hard for her but he doesn’t understand his feelings yet.

“Give her some time.  Whatever it is you did, take it from me I’ve been married for twenty-two years and I still haven’t figured out what it is my wife wants half the time.  If you don’t mind sir I’d like to give you a bit of advice.  You see dealing with these women can be a tricky thing.”  Anzio speaks receiving an affirmative nod from Braylin.

He has dated a lot of women but never has one got him so twisted in knots the way Kara has.  He doesn’t know what to do to make her happy.  Because of their unique circumstances she always thinks he has an ulterior motive.  He’s willing to take advice from Anzio.  He knows his wife well.  They are an affectionate loving couple. 

Braylin is afraid of domesticity.  He wants no part of it.  He can’t imagine being so connected to another soul exclusively until now.  Living with Kara these last two months has made him rethink alot of things.  He doesn’t want to return to what he had before it was lonely.  He thought his work was all he needed.  He never imagined sharing his life with another person would be so fulfilling.  

“There are two phrases a man in your position has to learn how to say.”  Anzio captures his rapt attention.

“Yeah, I’m listening.”  Braylin smiles at the older gentlemen’s fatherly tone.

“You have to always remember to say, “I’m Sorry.”  Doesn’t matter what you think you’ve done right, your wrong.  Even if you didn’t do it.  Apologize anyway.  Trust me it’ll keep the peace between you and her in your bed at night.”  He winks at Braylin who chokes on his coffee laughing.

“Alright, got it.  Tell her I’m sorry even though I don’t know what it is I did.”  He cheekily smirks.

“That’s right, she’ll eventually come around and tell you what you did then you’ll be glad you kept your mouth shut.”  Anzio explains to him.

“Okay, what’s number two?”  Braylin nods his head in understanding.

“Now number two is kind of tricky.  You’ve got to listen to her, make sure you aren’t making the situation worse, understand?”   The older man pours Braylin another cup of coffee as he continues to talk.  “You just need to agree to whatever she wants.  You know how men are always teasing other men about having their nose open?”

“Yeah, we tease Cameron about it all of the time.”  Braylin responds.

“Yeah you tease him but secretly you long for a woman to care about you that much.  Best feeling in the world to have one of them concerned about whether you make it home safe or not at the end of the day.  She’s the one that’s going to listen to all of your crap and be there for you when nobody else is around.  She’s also nice to cuddle if you know what I mean.”  Anzio tells him with a gentle smile.

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