Chapter 10: Meet Them Head On

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When their lips left each other, they felt the earth shake beneath them. A battle cry echoing from the forest, and the disbanded sound of an explosion shaking the trees around them.

"What was that?" Sakura asked, holding just a bit tighter to his shirt.

"I don't know," she could feel the grip on her waist and neck tighten just the slightest. "But whatever it was," his eyes stared at the sky, as if staring at it would help to access the situation a little bit more. "it wasn't good..."

Sakura herself found her eyes trailing up to the sky, and upon doing so, found a white object coming at them fast.

"Itachi! Look!" She pointed at the object and his eyes snapped up to it, widening as they did so.

A name ghosted upon his lips before the object could make it any closer.


He barely gave her time to think about it before he shoved her into the nearby tree line.

"Uwaaa, Itachi?!" She screamed as she was suddenly shoved, she turned back to him mildly agitated at the fact that he was pushing her away.

"Leave! Now! Go back to the house and assist them there! They'll need your help! I'll handle things here!" Instinct told her to gets her ass moving. Her brain screamed at her to listen to him. Her heart howled with the need to be next to him, fighting at his side.

"Now!" He hollered at her. She didn't waste another second, taking off into the tree line as fast as her feet could carry her, not once looking back.

When Itachi turned back to the thing that's he despised most in this world, he was more than pissed off. He could guarantee that the explosion they'd heard earlier was him, and his slippery fucking-oopsies I accidentally dropped this on you-happy hands.

He glared and activated his doujutsu, he could rein in his temper, he could keep it under control, but he swore to god that if anything happened to Sakura this time, the price would be someone's life.

He'd unleash hell.

When Deidara landed but twenty feet away from him, he turned rigid, the youngers' stance was far too lax for his liking.

"Ne, Itachi, did you feel my fine piece of art earlier? Quiet a bang, yeah?" He smirked at Itachi, the absolute audacity that it must've taken to do that was beyond him.

"If by 'bang' you mean amazing, then I think my answer might disappoint you..." he knew that his tone was bordering on that edge, the one that people knew to beware.

"Hmm, well who cares about your opinion anyway, your a bastard yeah." Deidara noctantly grabbed more clay from the pouches underneath his cloak. "Leader-Sama wants you, Fish Man and Danna back, he's not happy yeah." The blonde man smirked and gave him a coy look from the eye that Itachi could see.

"So who was the pretty little slut that was with you? Paid whore? I didn't know there was a brothel around here..." he smirked at him again, and that little string inside was cut by a very fine knife, "I guess you really are that ugly if you have to pay for se-"

He had a feeling.

Deidara dropped to the ground and held his bleeding stomach, forced to choose between holding his collapsing throat muscles, or his shredded insides.

A very good feeling.

He stomped on the man's hand, feeling satisfaction as the bones broke under his heel.

The Dango Gesture...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang