Chapter 7: Leaving Love

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Warning: This is a cute fluff filler chapter-will be vital for upcoming chapters though

Sakura's Pov

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"I am too."

"I beg to differ Uchiha."

"Please, you couldn't cook if it was to save your life, oh wait I forgot, you're dead."

"Oh wow, like I haven't heard that one before."

"You can't taste either."

"What difference does that make?"

"You cannot possibly think that taste has nothing to do with cooking."

This was the conversation that Sakura woke up to. Rubbing her eyes tiredly she looked to the kitchen table, where she found two women. One was reading a paper, the other was tending to a small pig wearing a cute little vest.

The one that was reading the paper was a busty blonde that looked ticked off, most likely from the bickering of the two men in the kitchen.

The other peeked at the larger chested woman, and subtly scooted her chair away.

Sakura wondered why, briefly and then decided that she better move away as well, for the blonde woman had multiple tick marks appear on her forehead simultaneously.

Before the two men could even continue to bicker, a chair was thrown at them, and it smashed into the wall directly behind them, throwing wood everywhere.

Sakura could've sworn that she heard the red-head mutter "My kin..." But didn't comment on it.

She made her presence known by stepping into the room, and all movement seem to cease.

Sakura suddenly felt unbelievably embarrassed, everyone was staring at her. Both women from the battle two days ago, she had yet to be formally introduced to either. The man whom she had fought before collapsing and feeling like utter shit. And Itachi, *Cue Inner's Dreamy Sigh*, and she suddenly remembered the most intimate way that they had been wrapped up in each other the night before, singing a tune that her mother had taught her. She woke this morning to find him gone, yet he had wrapped her securely in the blankets, and when she had woke up, a beady-eyed black crow was watching her very, very intently.

She hadn't felt the urge to give a little scream, and instead opted to stare at the bird for an impossibly long amount of time, and then awkwardly wave until she received a caw. Said bird was sitting on her shoulder now, pecking at his feathers, preening himself.

"Ah, I'm glad that you are awake-" The blonde was interrupted by a loud crash that echoed outside of the large house, in the middle of the forest.

"GOD DAMNIT! I AM SO SICK OF BEING FORGOTTEN!" screamed Kisame from outside, stomping his foot, much like a child. (Me being the idiot that I am, completely left him out of the previous chapter-I'm actually very sad about that!)

"Oh god..." Said both Itachi and Sasori simultaneously. Itachi left his place in the kitchen and made his way to the door, Sakura would've missed the glance that he'd cast her if she hadn't been paying attention to him. Her cheeks darkened at the thought that she'd been caught, and she looked away, flushed and furious.

She missed his smirk.

He opened the door and outside stood Kisame, tapping his foot impatiently. Itachi stared at him for a moment before pulling out a bottle and handed it to him.

Kisame gasped before snatching the bottle. "Is this Honey Sake?! And from Matsumura?!"(A.N. I use this nickname often, along with the first name Minata, Minata Matsumura, it's my alter ego!) He screeched and proceeded to cradle the bottle most preciously. His eyes taking on a shine as Itachi dragged him into the house by his cloak and deposited him at the table, right next to Tsunade.

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