Chapter Twenty-Two

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Eleven people sat around a large table. On the left side were five of the Daimyō's advisors. On the right side of the table were Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, two ANBU members, and Nara Shikaku respectively. At the head of the table was Hi no Kuni's daimyō.

“Our allies will continue to aid us in defending against Akatsuki,” Homura explained to the daimyō.

“I still can't believe what happened…” The first advisor, the one who wore glasses, said, “Of course, Hi no Kuni will throw all its resources towards rebuilding the village. We'll have to draw up a budget first, then seek aid from the other nations-”

“I am more concerned with selecting a new Hokage first,” one ANBU member, formally a Root member, interjected as he leaned back in his chair.

Saw that one coming… Shikaku thought as he glanced at the man with an odd mask.

“Why can't we wait for Tsunade to wake up?” The leader of Hi no Kuni questioned.

“Daimyō-sama… Tsunade is in a very deep coma. With the village in such a dangerous state, we need a leader. When we don't know when, or if, she will recover. In addition, she is responsible for what happened today,” Koharu debated.

“I had hoped to pick Jiraiya if this happened again…” The daimyō admitted behind his fan. “I always liked him… But he left us, too… Very well. Who should we select?”

Mizunoto lowered his head a bit. “I formally submit-”

“I nominate Hatake Kakashi,” Shikaku interrupted.

“Yes, I nominate him as well,” the former Root member agreed with a nod, earning a small internal sigh of relief from the Nara.

“Hohoooh, the “White Fang's” son, eh? An excellent nominee!” The old leader chirped before looking to his advisors. “Your opinions, gentlemen?”

“He's strong, capable,” the second advisor said as he looked to the third.

“Isn't he a bit too young?” The third inquired skeptically.

“I'm positive Minato was even younger when he became the fourth,” the fifth advisor piped up.

The fourth advisor hummed before questioning, “Isn't his student the “Black Fang”?”

The five sitting across the table darkened for a moment, all of them in on the secret of Danzō’s death and Ren's disappearance.

Thankfully, the daimyō was also in the loop. “Yes. He received a full pardon for his actions and is currently on a long-term mission, remember?”

Oh, thank Tsunade-sama, Mizunoto thought happily at the lie made up on the spot.

“Who was Hatake Kakashi's sensei?” The first advisor inquired.

“The Yondaime Hokage,” Homura answered.

“The Yondaime was Jiraiya's pupil. Jiraiya was the Sandaime's…” The daimyō noted aloud. “Continuing the lineage is acceptable to me. Very well. I've made my decision. Hatake Kakashi is hereby named the Rokudaime Hokage!”

Meanwhile, sitting on destroyed rubble were Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke.

“There's so much I want to tell Tsunade…” Naruto complained as he stared at the ground.

“Don’t worry, I'm sure she'll wake up soon! She's a Hokage, after all… She's a strong woman,” Sakura assured her teammate despite thinking, Why am I trying to cheer him up? I'm the one who needs cheering up… Naruto.

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