Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Sherlock's phone buzzed next to him. We threw the box he was holding back under his bed. The message was from John. Sherlock sighed and looked at his phone prepared for the worst.

Happy Birthday Sherlock!

Thank you John. -SH

Have anything planned?

There was talk of a surprise party, but I don't think it's going happen, considering it's already 9 p.m. -SH

I don't think so either. I heard people don't think partying is the best thing for an accused drug addict.

Maybe not. -SH

I need you to answer me honestly Sherlock. Are you clean?

Yes. -SH

Am I the first person to wish you Happy Birthday?

Yes. -SH

I know it's your birthday but I was wondering if you could do me a favor?

Of course. What can I do? -SH

Kiss me again.

Sherlock dropped his phone after reading that text. He quickly picked it back up.

I don't understand. -SH

WOW that's a first.

You want me to kiss you? -SH

Yes, Sherlock.

Your not angry with me? -SH

No, Sherlock.

You said you didn't have any feelings for me. -SH

I lied.

Why? -SH

I was scared.

Why? -SH

Because I am unbelievably, unmeasurably in love with you.

Sherlock dropped his phone again.

Why? -SH

Am I the first person to tell you they love you?

Yes. -SH

Kiss me.

Sherlock put his phone down and opened his bedroom door. John was standing right outside of if.

"Hi John"

"Hi Sherl"

Sherlock laughed and pulled John into a kiss. It was a long, loving, passionate kiss. And like the kiss from John's dream it felt like coming home.

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