~23~ The Transfer Returns

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As you walked into school you felt someone grab your hand. You weren't surprised to find Adrien next to you. "Good Morning, what did your dad want to talk about last night?" The snow in his hair was starting to melt.

"You," He looked down to the floor. "He told me he didn't really like you, but that we could stay together, at least for now." 

You hug Adrien, making him laugh, blush, and hug you back. It was a Friday, and the last day of school before everyone got school off for holiday breaks. 

"I know that the chance is slim with your dad not liking me and all, but do you think you could find time to drop in. I don't think he'd be too happy to have me around at your place." You look at Adrien as you both walk into class, sitting in your seats and chatting before the bell.

"Of course I can drop by, I can always make time for my kitten." A blush spreads across your face, the last time he'd called you kitten was when he was Cat Noir.

"Sounds like a plan." The bell rings, and you turn around, a blush on your cheeks, and a smile on your lips. The day was simple, Ms. Bustier just played some holiday movies and let the kids do as they wanted. At one point you had to go use the restroom. 

When you walked out of the restroom you were stopped by a girl with blue eyes, and pigtails. "Um, excuse me. I saw you walk out of Ms. Bustier's class. Are you the (your country) transfer student?"

"Uh, yeah... Why?" You scrunched your nose and furrowed your brows in response.

"I'm the student who you transferred with. I'm Marinette." You held out your hand, and you both shook.

"I'm (Y/N). What are you doing here?" You smiled at her.

"I'm here for Christmas, I missed home. How has College Francois Dupont treated you?" You both made conversation, and you felt it wasn't a huge deal for you to sit out on class for a bit.

"Well, most of the people here are really nice." The two of you made your way to the staircase, and sat down.

"I bet I can take a lucky guess as to who the most excludes." She rolled her eyes, then looked into yours. At the same time the both of you said, "Chloe."

You both started giggling. "Believe it or not I think she's gotten better, at least I think she's showed some remorse." You stood up. "Why don't you come back to class with me? We're just watching the polar express." 

"Sure, sounds good." She stood up, and the two of you walked into Ms. Bustier's room.

"Marinette!" Almost the entire class shouted and sprang up from their seats. The majority ran over to her, making her the center of a big group hug. 

"We've missed you so much!" Alya's voice rang out loud and strong. 

"We've been so happy without you, even if your replacement is horrible." Any sort of kindness Chloe had started to develop had shattered after it became common knowledge that you and Adrien were a thing.

"She's not a replacement Chloe." Kim ended up saying.

"You're right, this one actually managed to nab Adrien." Chloe angrily said, storming out with Sabrina following close behind. 

The atmosphere drops and nobody knows what to say. After what seemed like forever Marinette finally spoke up.

"It's obvious that my surprise appearance has caused a commotion. I just dropped in to say hi." Marinette walked out of the room briskly, this time having Alya follow behind her.

At this point everyone was leaving the classroom, so you and Adrien decided to walk out of the room. "What did Chloe mean by I managed to nab you? I knew that Chloe liked you, but did Marinette like you too? How many girls have liked you?" You just felt awkward and wanted to know.

"I don't know. I just thought Marinette was a friend. I don't think she liked me." He shrugged. "But who knows, we weren't really that close, I don't think I've ever had a real conversation with her actually."

"I'm gonna miss not being able to see you everyday." You said, trying to change the subject. Adrien happily took the bait.

"Maybe I could try to convince my father to let you come over for Christmas, or at least Christmas Eve. I'm sure if I told him you were spending it alone he'd be understanding." It was true that you'd be spending it alone, you weren't flying home, and family wasn't flying here, but the first of the gifts had started to appear in the mail.

"Well, that would be nice, I'm sure he won't let me though. You can always drop in on my balcony, like old times." You look to the floor smiling. 

"Maybe I will." Adrien gently took your chin, and guided your lips to his. The kiss was short, but sweet, welcoming, and warm. 

It wasn't long before Adrien's car arrived and he had to leave.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride home? The snow's really coming down." Adrien looked at you, concern etched into his features.

"It's fine, I want to do some shopping on the way anyways. You go on now." You smile and wave as his car fades into the distance.

As you made your way down the street you looked into the different storefront windows, trying to find a gift for Adrien, and maybe even Gabriel. It wasn't likely a gift would change his mind about you, but it could be a start.

You couldn't find anything, but as you rounded the corner you noticed a park. You walked into the park and saw someone curled up on the bench, the blue pigtails were unmistakable,  It was Marinette.

Her face was red, you couldn't tell if it was from tears, or the snow, but you decided to walk over and ease the tension Chloe had created between the both of you. Before you even got close enough to say hi, a little black butterfly flew and enchanted a small box.

(Hey sorry for not updating a lot. I'm working on getting a comic out, but I also have college now. Follow me on tik tok-> http://vm.tiktok.com/A5SnE2/ and tell me to stop scrolling and to start writing <3 )

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