Perfectly Helpless

Start from the beginning

The black haired woman chuckled. "Alright, alright, but brush your teeth first." She told her son sweetly, ruffling his dark brown, almost black hair.

He pouted, but quickly did as he was told.
After thoroughly brushing his teeth he ran to his bedroom with loud clumsy steps.
He immediately dashed toward the bed and wrapped himself up under the blanket, after all, everyone knew that nothing could happen to you under the blanket.

His mother chuckled at her son's antics. "Are you ready for an exciting bed time story?" She asked sweetly, looking down at him with a fond smile on her exhausted face.

The little boy nodded furiously.

Her smile widened at the wordless reply, and she sat down on the bed, getting comfortable.
Then she started her story.
"Once upon a time, there was a small village. The people that lived there had everything, but there was one thing that threatened their safety." She began mysteriously.

"What was it?!" The boy immediately interrupted, as he always would when his mother told him stories. He was too curious, he couldn't help it.

His mother laughed. "Let me finish the story if you want to know." She said, teasing her son a bit.
"What was threatening them, was an extremely hateful creature that lived with them. It was the most murderous, selfish and cruel creature in the world." His mother continued.

The boy's eyes widened. "Wh-what creature?" He asked fearfully.

His mother gave him a serious look. "A creature that consists of many smaller individuals." She explained cryptically.
"That creature caused many innocent people pain and suffering.
But luckily there also were many special humans, they were braver and stronger than the others, even if they were misunderstood.
Undercover, those people would slowly befriend the creature, tame it, until it was no longer harmful.
There was one boy that stood out especially from those people. He had the capability to befriend every sort of creature he would meet, even if he didn't know it yet.
He one day grew up to be the saviour of that beautiful village, and he brought back happiness and peace to everyone.
They lived happily ever after.
Legend has it, at the big party they threw, the creature was celebrating with them."
The woman in her early thirties finished the generic story.

But for her son it was exciting and beautiful, he simply loved happy endings like those. "Mum, what was the boy's name?" He asked curiously, trying to gain more time with his mother.

His mother grinned and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Let's just call him...Joe." She whispered softly.

The boy giggled happily at the mention of his name in the story. It made him feel important for some reason and he liked it. "Good night mummy." He said softly, watching his mother get up.

"Good night darling. Your father and I will be off for work." She whispered softly, before leaving the room, shutting of the lights of and closing the door.

Then the boy could hear her lock the door carefully.
He then laid in bed quietly, still thinking about the story his mother had told him.
He didn't know what it was but something made this story different then the others, as if it held some special meaning he was too young to understand.

The next couple hours were fine, he just quietly fell asleep, unaware of what was happening outside of his safe place at home.

In fact, whilst he was gently snoring, a catastrophe was happening in his village.

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