"Take care of yourself. Goodbye," Jungkook said before the engine starts and the car begins to drive away. Jimin waves farewell as the car gets smaller and smaller, farther and farther.

When it is far enough, Jimin falls to his knees. He cries and lets his tears fall into the icy cement.

He's all by himself from now on.


"Mister!" A maid knocks on the door several times. No matter how many times she knocks or call him, Seokjin will not open it. "Please, your husband is on the phone and wants to talk to you."

Seokjin, curled up into a ball in his bed, snarls and threw the first thing he could grab. He flung it at the door, and the knocking stops. "I refuse to speak to him," he seethes through his teeth. "And never, ever, refer that bastard as my husband."

His phone is ringing nonstop and when he puts it on silent, it kept vibrating loudly and Taehyung keeps calling the home phone, which is why the maid is asking for him. He had already thrown that at the door as well.

After that short fit, he gets a few moments of silence. He realized that he threw a picture frame with a photo of him and Taehyung. Good. From now on, he'll need to get rid of everything that'll remind him of the man.

Under the blankets, Seokjin's anger only boils as the air inside gets stuffier.

7 years... They've been married for seven years and knew each other for even longer and the scumbag throws him away for someone he knew for only what? Two or three years?!! All the work that they did to build this relationship, all the cultivating and trusting, was it all for nothing?

A knock sounded from the door again and Seokjin shouts, "Go away! Why can't you all just leave me alone!"

"Seokjin, please."

Seokjin grows completely silent. He's even more shock than ever because-

"I am warning you," Seokjin said dangerously, "Leave now or I might hurt you."

"I'll leave once you talk to Taehyung."

Seokjin jumps out of bed and storms towards the door, nearly cutting himself from the glass he broke earlier. He pounds his fists in the door. "What is there to talk about?! We are through! You're free to have him, you filthy dog!"

Jungkook... Jungkook... that pathetic alpha. How can Jungkook call himself an alpha when he can't even protect his partner yet alone himself?

Seokjin laughs. He knew that Jungkook had a boyfriend, that he is just like Seokjin, oblivious to the affair until a few nights ago.

"Call me whatever you want, I deserve it," Jungkook says through the door. "But you must talk with Taehyung because you still mean so much to him."

Seokjin laughs harder as tears streaks his face. "He means so much to me! I gave him all the love I could give! And it's clearly not enough because he needs you instead!"

His forgotten phone began vibrating again, moving on the floor next to Seokjin. Taehyung is calling again.

"He's been with you all these years," Jungkook says in a more gentle tone. "It didn't end well the night he told you about us. He doesn't want you and him to end like this. You don't even want to see him. At least hear him out."

Seokjin sits down with his back to the door. He pushes some shards of glass away from the phone. The tears have slowed for now, and he picks up the device.

If he picks up, he'll hear Taehyung's voice. His deep, soothing, and gentle voice. He'll hear that voice in a pained state, and say what Seokjin doesn't not need to hear twice, another goodbye.

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