Jules: On My Way

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                It has been a month since I’ve met Dee and I haven’t had any dreams about the mystery boy since. The girls are all out they decided to go shopping; which is a lot of work considering when we do go shopping we buy a massive amount of clothes. That’s why we always go with Dee and Leo so they can carry the bags for us; because we all know we aren’t going to carry it for ourselves. Anyways right now I am at Dee’s house with Leo and of course Dee having a movie night.

                My head is on Leo’s lap while my legs our laying comfortably on Dee’s lap. The movie we are watching is a horror movie called Paranormal Activity II and we were all laughing at some funny part. You see I hate horror movies but Paranormal Activity is so funny I swear the people saying this is based on real events are crazy because even back then your closest friend could have been a ghost and they wouldn’t have done any of this. Unless for jokes of course.

                I was starting to get sleepy and I felt my eyelids growing heavy and I closed my eyes. And fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up in an entirely different room than I remembered I looked around but it was extremely dark. I tried moving but I was trapped in between something blocking me from moving on. Suddenly the wall in front of me fell and there was a loud crashing noise as it hit the floor. Then out of nowhere lights flickered on from the walls surrounding me and I close my eyes from the sudden light. I finally open my eyes and I stood there for a second letting my eyes adjust. The light wasn’t as bright as before; it must have dimmed down while my eyes were closed.

 I looked at my surroundings and noticed the sudden lights were coming from computer screens and the wall that fell was also computers. I started making my way through the mess of broken computers into the opening that was made. This place was extremely weird it had computers everywhere. The only place where there wasn’t a computer was the floor and the ceiling. As I continued walking though the hallway, which seemed to take forever, I started getting tired and I stopped for a breather.

The moment I stopped was the moment the lights up front started turning off and then I heard a bang coming from behind me; I turned around to see the computer walls were slamming against each other one by one. When it was getting closer and darker I decided to run because it didn’t look like it was going to stop. I ran and ran until I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and the moment I ran out was the moment the walls behind me closed.

I bent over and started huffing and puffing. When I finally got my breath back I decided to look at my surroundings. I was in a room being filtered with a red light; and the moment I looked in front of me made me shiver. There were two computers with wires running everywhere on the table that lined up on the bottom of the glass window; there were cheers thrown askew along with trash and there were three monitors one was on the table and the other two were on walls opposite of each other.

 But that didn’t make me shiver but what did was what was showing on the monitors and on the one only working computer. On them was what was showing behind it pass the glass wall. The red light was coming from a gigantic incinerators going in a row and surrounded by busted up robots hanging from the ceiling by wires; some were hanging by their leg others by their arm. Most of them were missing at least one limb and all had at least some burned part on them. Some were missing heads and if they weren’t they had a burned eye socket considering none of them had a human face they all had basic mannequin faces. Then I heard a clicking sound you get from a keyboard while typing something. I look back at the table and now I see a boy there sitting on one of the chairs that used to be on the ground. He is typing away while looking at the now working computer.

I take one step closer to him and he stops typing on the computer; he slowly turns and I get caught in his beautiful eyes it was blue just like the sea. He has blonde hair that can cover his right eye. He looks younger than me probably middle school age. He is so adorable!

After looking at each other he finally opens his mouth then quickly closes it hesitating for a second. He points his finger to the side and there I see a familiar place but that window wasn’t there before. I look back at the boy and asked, “What are you trying to say?” Then his face goes from indifferent to panicked. He started pressing a button on his phone sleeve and showing it to me. “Help me please!” he yells out of nowhere and then before I could ask him anything an alarm goes off and I fall backwards and hit my head hard. –

                I shoot up and look around for the boy; but I’m not in the weird place anymore I’m now in a bedroom.  “What’s wrong?” Leo asked looking down on me. Now fully awake recognize that I am still in Dee’s house.  I look at Leo about to tell him about my dream then Dee walks in.

                “Did I interrupt your moment? If I did I can eat all the breakfast I made downstairs?” he questions backing out the door.  “No I have to tell you both something!” Dee stops and comes in and then I proceed to tell them about my dream. We sat there trying to analyze this dream all we know is supposedly a boy wants me to help him but where is he in the first place. “Hey what was the familiar looking place maybe it’s a clue and maybe he is in that area.” Dee says I started thinking back on how the place looked like and started describing the familiar place. “That sounds like the construction area in the Central.” Leo exclaims doing a little clap after figuring it out.

                We go downstairs and eat really quickly and rush out the house into Dee’s car.

                Suddenly I get a call I look at my phone to see its Tera and that the time is almost 12 o’clock. “Hey Tera what’s up.” She takes a while to answer. “Where the fu… Shut up back there! Anyways where were you last night?”

                “I fell asleep while watching a movie and now I’m going to Central I’ll be back later.” I replied we said our goodbyes and hung up.

                When we finally got to the construction area we looked around. Leo, getting frustrated from looking around, sits down and starts thinking hard. After a while I go up to him and ask him what is wrong. “Jules what was the button that the boy was showing you?” I look at my phone and then turn it back into the sleeve and start looking for the button. I found it and then pressed it then a beep went off and then I see a radar pop up. There were three red dots one was where Dee was standing; another was where Leo was sitting. Then I noticed a third red dot pointing on the other side of the construction area. I start walking towards the dot with Leo and Dee close behind.

We are on our way so hold on boy.


Yass finally a new chapter hope you enjoyed it

Picture of Jeff ( the only picture i could find that matched the others were like morbidly obese and not even teenagers)

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