Chapter Twenty Part 1

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My eyes franticly burst open and to my dismay i have to blink to get my eyes to focus to see the scene unvealing in front of me. 

Whislt my eyes are ajusting I hear skin on skin and words spit like fire.  Nate, I'm assuming, whispers "You'll never have her. Not once while I'm alive will I ever see her in the amount of pain I saw her in when she thought she was infatuated with you."  There is a sickening crunch of a fist against a cheekbone and a cry that could only come from Nathan.  His voice is raspy when he speaks in a way that i can tell his throat and breathing are being restricted.  

Finally my eyes adjust from not having taken in any of the human race for a long while, a disgusting sight appears before my eyes.  


Sorry it's been so long- I've recived word that someone actually liked and was sad that i hadn't updated in forever so i guess this was a result- also not quite finished but part two should be coming within the next week and be much longer than this :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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