Chapter 1

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*5 Months Later*


I can't believe Anina's really gone. I promised her I wouldn't lose touch, and that I would keep a look out for Nate. That wasn't going to well, I can't get in touch with her. Nate and I have become really good friends, but the one thing that I did keep from Anina when we were in touch was that Nate had started to cut. I'm scared that he would try to take his life.


Why did I have to lose that phone? I realize that my life is and always will be pointless. It's time Nate, I think to myself. I sit down an write two letters

Dear Margaret,

I'm so sorry, but I can't deal with it anymore. The pain, it's so hard to not submit to , and I just can?t stand it any longer. I know you are going to mourn me, but know that this is my decision not yours. If you can, one day, find Anina and give her the other letter. Thank you my favorite friend, remember I will always be watching out for you.



Dear Anina,

When you get this, If you get this I know you will be insanely confused and sad. I would like you to know that I love you. I'm an idiot for losing your number and waiting for so long to ask you out, but i did so I have to live with life's consequences. Just so you know Margaret will have tried to stop me and has warned me against this. I will miss her and she'll miss me. So please don't blame her, I just can't stand the pain anymore. The fault lies on me not her. I'm yours and always will be. Do me a favor okay?, don't live your life with worry. Live your life, everyday, like its the last day of your life.



I walk into the bathroom and fill the tub up with water. I text Margaret, "I'm Sorry." I get into the tub then suck in my last breath, "I love you, Anina." I put my head underwater

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