Chapter 13

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Hiii Im like hyper soI figured now would be a good time to write. Although i stayed up till like umm, 2:30 last night. And Since its thanksgiving its just my luck that the time zones are different. Oh and, HAPPY THANKSGIVING (although this may be published after.)


Nate's POV

i cant believe that Margaret is still in a coma. I come to the hospital every day to check on her. I hate the guy that hit us, his name was either Simon or Sebastian but that doesn't really matter. College starts next month, so I'm hoping that she will wake up. I don't know how I'm gonna make it through the school year without her. Hell, how am I gonna make it through life without her. The only thing that has kept me from self harm is her. Well and the conversation that went on between Margaret, My parents and I.


Nate's POV

"Mom? Dad? I need to tell you something."

"Yes, honey?, what is it"

My mother asks

We sat down at the kitchen table. Im next to Margaret. She squeezes my hand in comfort

"Do you remember a couple months back, when Margaret went on a Nate-cant-touch-a-single-sharp-thing-or-be-alone-for-to-long thing?"


"You guys all probably thought that i was insane" Margaret laughed

"Well there was more reason to that then Margaret's insanity,"

What do u mean

Well, umm... you guys remeber when i was really depressed after anina left... well i i... IStartedToCut... and then i umm... TriedToCommitSuicide"

"Im sorry what?"

Good god my parents are deaf

Margaret takes a deep breath and then says "he said that he attempted to drown himself but, as the idiot he is he texted me and i saved him.



"I wish that i could save you like you saved me." i went over to the radio and stared playing Passenger

Margaret's POV

I hear 'Patient Love' fade out of the air and 'Let Her Go' started to play. I love both of those songs. Then, I realize that I can't move.

"I love you, Margaret, I love you too." I hear a familiar voice say, then i feel a small pressure on my forehead and i realize that, Nate, of all people is here with me... and he likes me back. I put all my energy toward moving a finger or, squeezing his hand.


Hola agian, I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes but im typing this on my ipod an I've been in the car with my sisters for what seems like FOREVER! I mean Come on. who goes to see their Grandma(in Wisconsin) for like an 45 mins when you're staying in Chicago to visit relatives. And they got us up at like 8 with the time difference and everythin AND we're still driving and its 2:22 and we still have like a half hour to go!! YAY!! *not* sorry for my rants but I've been in this dang car forever and my iPods gonna die!! Thank god for portable DVD players.

Soooo my lyric that ya'll have to guess what song its from is.....

'you only miss the sun when it starts to snow' its a passenger song.

The last one was U.N.I by Ed Sheeran. Anina and Sophia you had bet guess this time.


P.S Comment your fav thanksgiving dish!! yay!! (i must be really bored)


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