Chapter 15

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Hello Again

Its MEEEE!!!!

That's right I'm BACCKK ok soooo here's the next bit.


Nate's POV

I was reading through Margaret and my texts, sitting in a chair facing away from Margaret's bed. and then I heard a gasp. I spun around a, for a split second saw the beautiful Green-hazel eyes that only belong to one person. Her eyes were full of fear. We lock eyes, not that I'm sure that she sees me, and then her eyes clamp shut.

Doctor's POV

"I don't understand!" the young boy who has been here visiting with my patient everday.

"She's in another coma"

"But HOW?"

"She either heard something that scared her or she imagined it"

"How could she imagine it?"

Good god this kid is annoying...

"Well, Was there any music playing that could've triggered her memory?"

"Yeah, but... it was her one of her favorites"

Hmm... that doesn't make much sense...

"Was there someone in the room with you?"

"I'm not sure... there could've been"

What does this kid mean... I don't know... but I'm not a psychic so I wouldn't know. What is it with these people, they think I can fix everything. I'm just a human, a doctor, not the doctor.


Anyway, i'm writing this in the car with my family. I'm trying to block them out w/ Ed, Passenger, and 'Little Things'. Have a Happy Christmas Eve, cuz that's today. Or at least thats the day that I'm writing this...

And yes i did put a DR. WHO reference in again deal with it.



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