Chapter 4

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What in the world did i get myself into? ANiNA this is getting kinda insane- oh and just so you know i will be updating every single(ish) time 'Is it really meant to be' is updated. I love all you mundanes out there!


**** 2 Months Later ****

Nate's POV

Why in the world did i ever even think about killing myself?

"Nathaniel Belle,"

Wait why was my name... Oh duh, I'm graduating High School! I get to try my luck at something that isn't trying to cut myself with a spork,(and hey all you haters out there i was kinda desperate at that point, or failing miserably at everything but gym and english. I see the look of pride on my parent's and sister's faces that makes me so glad that my suicide attempt failed. I look over at Margaret and she is absolutely beaming. She is just so happy that I'm not dead, and I finally have something to live for; College.

"I present to you, the graduating class of 2019!"

Margaret immeaditly runs over, like I am not even exaggerating RUNS. In a second I am engulfed in a Margaret sandwich. My family, in a much less insane manner, come over too.

"Remind me again why you two aren't dating," my Mom askes. Margaret blushes deep scarlet and releases me instantly.

"Bye Nate, Um See you later. Okay?" After thiS she runs off to find her family.

"Mom, how many times do i have to tell you, we are just friends! thats it, okay?"

"Sure, but you don't have me fooled or will you ever." I see the slight mischievous glint in her eye.

"Mother, what did you do this time?"

"Nothing, But i may have invited a certain family over for dinner"

By the time we had literally clawed our way out of the mob we had the Blakes(the Blakes are Margaret's Family)waiting at our car. I smile at them and wave. Margaret smiles and waves back. the car ride to my house is awkward like you wouldn't belive. There weren't enogh seats so Margaret ended up on my lap. By the time we hot to my house, it was a hot mess out on the roads. Apparently, a bunch of genius teens got drunk and Margaret's dad had to leave to arrest them. We started to eat dinner, or at least attempted to every time i pick up a utensil I'm being pestered with a question about classes or dorms or something. We finally finish dinner, and Margaret and I decide to watch the Dead Poets Society. When we get to the part where the guy shoots himself, Margaret starts to cry. I am so glad that she saved me and I cannot imagine what she would have done if i was dead. I hug her and start to think about what my mom was saying. I can't like her, can I?


Anina i know you are going to kill me for this cliffhanger, but think again the next time you give me a cliffhanger.

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