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I opened the door and was surprised to see...a family. Let me rephrase that I saw my family behaving as a normal family.

Davis was actually awake, he was still sitting on his ass, but he didn't look drunk. He probably was but he didn't look the part. My mother was sitting there doing N'maya's hair and Aidden was sitting on the floor eating a popsicle.

"Zee!" My brother and sister exclaimed and ran up to me. I hugged both and them and walked over to my mother and stood there for a good five seconds before she acknowledged me.

"What Azari?" She asked with an attitude.

"Hey to you too ma." I huffed and walked off into the kitchen. I was surprised to find baked Mac and cheese, fried chicken and green beans, then I turned around and saw a chocolate cake sitting on the table. Of course all this is nice, but I was wondering where this came from.

She always says she doesn't have time to cook because she's always busy. Which I mean if she didn't date a ain't shit ass nigga he could cook sometimes, but that obviously didn't happen.

"Ma, why you cooking all of a sudden?" I asked her curios.

She threw her hands up all dramatic and groaned.

"Azari I don't know what your damn problem is, you want me to cook, I cook and now it's a problem with me cooking. You have a continuous problem with Davis for no reason so I talk to him about that and that's gonna be the next problem. Isn't it?"

No reason? Is she for real?

"What do you mean I have a problem with him for no reason. He doesn't work, barley helps around the house, is verbally AND physically abusive to damn near every person in this family, and you just act blind to it!" I shouted back at her.

She just sat there speechless.

"Leave." Davis said sternly.

"Whatever nigga." I muttered and walked into my room.

In the midst of all of what just happened I forgot about N'maya and Aidden. They had ran into their room. I walked in and N'maya sitting on her bed unfazed, and Aidden was lying in his hiding under the covers.

I went and gave N'maya and hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking over to Aidden.

I pulled the cover off of him and he looked at me with wide eyes. I sat down next to him.

"A, you ight?" I asked

He nodded his head.

"No you not, don't tell me you're okay if you're not, what's wrong?"

"I- I don't like it when y'all fight with each other." He sniffled.

I sighed. "I don't like it either, but trust me it'll all be fine soon. I promise, ok?" I told him.

He shook his head yes. I gave him a hug and left out of their room and went into mine.

Even though Aidden was older than N'maya his emotions were way more sensitive when it came to stuff like this, N'maya on the other hand? She just acted numb to the whole situation. She really acted more "mature" in general. I guess it's just a girl thing.

I kind of which they could meet in the middle of each other's methods of dealing with stuff, but I'm pretty sure they'll grow out of it.

I closed and locked the door behind myself and started to stripped down to my wife beater and boxers.

I took the blunt wrap out of my pants pocket along with my phone.
It was only around 10:30 so I expected Ka-sai to still be awake, I decided to FaceTime him.

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