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I woke up to knocking on my door that was really aggravating the hell out of me. I groaned then sighed. "Whoever is at the door can you please stop." I yelled turning back over and getting back under the covers. "Boy come and open this damn door , I don't have all day to play with you." My mother yelled from the other side of the door

I groaned and pulled myself out of the bed to open the door. "Here boy." She said holding a tray with pancakes , eggs and bacon on it. "Thanks mama." I said grabbing the tray from her. "Here yo' juice and syrup , you got a hour and a half to get ready and get to that school."

"Ok mama." I said nonchalantly. "That means hurry yo ass up , I got to head to work love you baby have a good day." She said rushing down the stairs.

I walked into the hallway to catch her before she left. "You're not gonna take me to school?" I asked.

"Boy I ain't spend all that money on a car for you so that I could take you everywhere now hurry up and get ready before you be late."

I turned around to go back in my room and eat. After I ate I decided to get in the shower. I then walked into my adjoining bathroom and turned on my speaker and put on 'Good form by Nicki Minaj' then of course I proceeded to turn it up all the way and hopped in the shower letting the hot water wash over me. Refreshing.

I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and started to do my morning routine...brushing my teeth , washing my face with my spin brush thingy my mother bought me. I love her. Then I rinsed off did my hair , did my eyebrows and went back into my room to get dressed. And if you were wondering I don't do my eyebrows with my makeup I just get a toothbrush and use some of the stuff that I use in my hair and then boom I'm done. It's kind of the same process that girls do when they style their edges.

I walked over to my closet when I heard another knock on my bedroom door. What the fuck is with everyone beating on my damn door today. "Come in." I shouted while still looking through my closet to find something to wear. When my father came in.

"Good morning K.B." My father said
walking into my room and standing by my dresser silently before I decided to speak. "Anything I can help you with dad?" I asked rolling my eyes continuing to look for an outfit.

"Nothing I just wanted to see you off on your first day , alright well I saw umm...here's a couple dollars." He said sliding two 20 dollar bills on my dresser and walking out of my room.

"Alright son have a good day." He said walking down stairs and out the front door. "Thanks dad..." I said lowly. 'Oh well fuck it' I thought to myself. I checked the time on my phone "7:05". I sighed knowing that I need to leave this house at 7:20.

I put on some skinny ripped jeans , a white true religion T-shirt, and my all white air max 97's. Then , I walked over to my bed grabbed my keys , my phone and charger , my headphones , my backpack and the money my dad left me and walked downstairs and to my car.

"Here goes nothing." I said as I started my car and pulled off.

A/N new book hoessss🤪hope y'all like it and imma try to be more active

614 words

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