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I drove us some ways away to drop my lil baby off at one of our warehouses while I went to go do some runs. Deep down I knew it was wrong not being a hundred percent honest to him, but I plan to tell him soon. Especially since I plan to stop selling not too far from now.

I wanted to spend the day with him but money calls I guess. This street shit always comes in at the wrong times one of the main reasons I'm ready to leave now.

Leaving him at the warehouse for a few hours would be harmless. I rather that over him trying to tag along with me, or just leaving him alone at his house bored by himself.

A few more minutes of driving and we pulled up to one of the few warehouses that we have. This just happened to be the one that was on the way to where I needed to go, and I figured Isis would be here to keep Ka-sai company.

Isis is like a little sister to me, she was our boss G.K's god daughter, business wise though she was sort of like an intern, but mostly everybody else has dubbed her "Princess of the south nine killers" since she was basically blood of our leader. Quiet as it's kept; it started out more as a self proclaimed title than anything, but I won't shit on her fun.

I got out first and walked over to the passengers side to open the door for Ka-sai. The little things like that matter. I want to make sure I do right by him.

I took him around to the back door and type in the pin code and opened the door, letting him walk through first and quickly following behind him after. I looked around and saw Isis instantly.

She's never too hard to find normally she has bright colored hair down to her ass and an attention catching outfit, but I guess she decided to keep it simple today with straight black hair, still down to her ass, and a pink adidas tracksuit, the jacket being cropped of course.

"Ayo Isis!" I walked up to her with my arms open embracing her in a quick hug. "Ight so lemme introduce you, this my lil baby Ka-sai, K this Isis. She's like my lil sister." 

"Hey, I like your outfit." Ka-sai flashed a smile at her.

"Thank you, you're also like really cute." She replied as they gave each other a quick side hug.

"You mind keeping him company while I go do runs and shit?" I asked her knowing she would say yes.

"Yeah duh...I be bored around here all the time anyway. It would be nice to have someone around here to keep me company for a while."

Ka-sai smiled. Great. I knew they would hit it off.

"Ight bae, I'll see you later. Call me if y'all need anything." I kissed his cheek quickly. "Bye sis." I quickly waved then walked back out of the warehouse to get in my car.

Ka'Sai POV

Turns out Isis is pretty cool. At first glance I thought she would be stuck up or something but after chilling with her for like the last thirty minutes. She's pretty cool. turns out she's does music and wants to have a future in fashion.

"Girl so what do you even do up here?"

She laughed. "Not a damn thing. Sit up here, call people. Literally just waste my own time all day, but it's not like I honestly have anything else better to do."

"Plus I get paid so." She shrugged

"I feel you, at least you get to leave the house. I be so bored at home I be excited just to run to the grocery store." I laughed.

"I feel you." She chuckled. "Yo you hungry?"

"Starving." Isis grabbed her keys and her small Louis Vuitton bag out of the chair across from me.

Lil Papi | itzzzstoryzzzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें