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The final bell of the day rung and I was relieved. I was tired as fuck, and also ready to go to the mall because I was NOT playing about those shoes. From all the pictures I saw they look sexy, and they would look even sexier on me.

I grabbed my stuff and walked straight out the door to the student parking lot and got in my car cranking the A.C because this Texas heat is no joke. I plugged the aux cord into my phone and texted Zari my address.


Me: My addy is 815 N.E west hills

Big Zaddy Z😚💙:ight lil baby I'll be there in a hour and a half😘


Big Zaddy Z😚💙:Umm..😐 yes....

Me: Zari that's not enough time, but I'll make it work.🤷🏽‍♂️😉

I'm going to have to teach him that only an hour and a few minutes is not enough time for me. It damn near takes me 30 minutes to get home, and I only live like 8 away.

Like I said this heat is brutal. I was almost dying of thirst, plus I also needed some gas. Both kinds.

I pulled into the 7-11 and walked inside. Really quick I pressed the lock button on my car because I don't need to catch a case messing with thieves out here.

I grabbed a bottle of SmartWater and put a 20 in the tank and two dollars for my water then walked out. To pump my gas. I cracked open my water while I waited for my car to fill up.

This already like minute twenty-six of my hour and 30. I gulped down the rest of my water as the nozzle clicked indicating my car was done filling.

I put the hose back up, jumped in my car and tried my best to get back home as fast as I could without breaking any laws.

I honked my horn because this dusty bitch in front of me with this old ass Honda Civic doesn't know how to drive, the light turned green 20 seconds ago hun. Stupid bitch. She finally decided to start back driving next thing I knew 5 minutes later I was home.

Before I reached for the door knob I heard loud ass yelling. I was a little hesitant because I didn't know who was yelling, for why, and what was going on. But bitch I had a date to get ready for...wait did I just say date. Oh well that's basically what it is.

I finally opened the door. Me fucking around Azari was probably going to pull up ready to pick me up before I even walked in the house.

I walked in the house and was greeted by my father and two of his...friends I guess watching a football game on the couch. A.k.a the extra ass fucking yelling I heard before I walked in.

"WOOOHHHH NOW THATS WHAT THE FUCK IM TALKING BOUT'!" Some buff ass dark skin dude jumped to his feet and hollered.

I was kind of startled. Obviously. Yeah that's it I am definitely about to leave this house.

"Hey dad." I sighed rolling my eyes walking upstairs.

"What's up my boy. Why don't you come and watch the game with us." He exclaimed taking another sip of his 4th beer maybe.

As if I'm really about to sit here and watch a bunch of muscular niggas smack each other around for fun. Well damn that, that does sound a little hot anyways regardless I have somewhere to be.

"Umm...yeah no imma pass." I said coming back down a few steps. "I'm about to go somewhere and speaking of that, can I get a little cash?" I said giving him the same look I always gave him when I wanted something.

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