Chapter 1- Aftermath

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Leblanc, Akira's POV-

"That was way too close for comfort." They were back in Leblanc, all situated around a small table. Sojiro had closed the shop an hour ago so they had the whole place to themselves.
"Tell me about it, I thought we were done for!" Ryuji exclaimed his head lolling over the end of the chair, "man I'm exhausted now, and kinda hungry, hey leader can you make us something?"
"We nearly died and you're complaining that you're hungry!" Ann let out an incredulous cry, leaning over the table to smack Ryuji who dodged the attack.
"Passing over Ryuji's gut, do you really think Akechi is dead? Just like that?" Morgana jumped up onto the table, sitting down in the middle and looking around at them all. So the topic had finally come up it seemed. It was only a matter of time.

"There is a chance that the gunshot was simply a facade, maybe he was in league with the cognitive version of himself." Yusuke voiced. Akira sighed and stood up, earning him stares from his friends,
"He can't be alive, and I don't think that was acting... I'll make us some coffee."
"Oh if your making coffee can I have a soda?" He nodded at Ryuji's request and got behind the counter, busying himself with the utensils.
"Akira is right... I'm almost certain Akechi wasn't acting, you could see his fear and inner turmoil..." Haru agreed solemnly. Akira felt something stir inside him. The helplessness that Akechi had showed moments before the metal sheet divided them. He had looked so weak.

"I mean after all he's put us through doesn't he kind of deserve it?"
"Ryuji!" Makoto slammed a hand on the table. Akira looked up to see her glaring at Ryuji with a look of utter disapproval. It was true that they had gone through a lot of terrible things because of Akechi, he himself being put in jail and if it hadn't been for their plan, he would have definitely been dead. "He wasn't a good guy, but he did try to help us in the end, he saved our lives."

"That's not good enough! Not after what he put us and our leader through!" Ryuji interjected, looking around for agreement, "You do remember he tried to kill Akira right?" There was a silence where no one said anything. The only sound that could be heard was the soft whistling of the coffee machine as it poured out piping hot liquid.
"...I agree with Ryuji." Futaba spoke up, Yusuke following soon after,
"I concur, I can't forgive him for what he did, but I am grateful for his sacrifice."

He could see where his friends were coming from in their thinking, but he didn't want his lasting memories of Akechi to be plagued with betrayal and deception. He truly wanted to believe that Akechi had good intentions at heart and that he had finally realised the effects of his crimes. He didn't want to hate Akechi especially after his sacrifice. The coffee machine began to slow until the coffee had finished spilling out. He poured the contents into 6 separate cups and fetched a soda from the small fridge at the back of the cafe, placing them in front of everyone. The coffee seemed to put an end to the debate as everyone stopped to take a drink.

"Ah! I forgot how bitter coffee was! I-i oh I mean it tastes amazing Akira!" Ann hurried to correct herself,
"Oh lady Ann, you truly have a delicate sense of taste~ why don't I take us out for sushi.."
"Cram it cat!" Ryuji said leaning over the table to swat Morgana away. They went on bickering for a while, as everyone else simply sipped their coffee and enjoyed the free entertainment. After everyone had finished their drinks, they began to disperse. It was getting pretty late and everyone still had to make their way back home.

"Later man!" Ryuji waved heartily as he closed the door behind him, the small bell hanging from the door frame tinkling softly. He turned to make his way upstairs when Morgana jumped down from the table and up onto the steps so they were at eye level.
"Are you alright Akira? You seem pretty out of it," Akira made a non committal noise in his throat and Morgana didn't look convinced. The cat sighed and continued, "we never really did get closure did we?"
"No." He responded quietly, pushing his hands into his pockets forcefully. He didn't have time to say anything to Akechi. Things he could never talk to him about again.

Will You Forgive Me? (Akechi x Akira)Where stories live. Discover now