Chapter 4- The Crow 1/2

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"The infiltration route is secured! All we need now is to send the final calling card!" Morgana announced as they headed out to the deck of the ship. It hadn't taken them too much longer to successfully infiltrate the remainder of the palace, leaving them all in high spirits.
"I'm just thankful we don't have to go through getting turned into mice again..." Ann chuckled humorlessly as though she was trying to make an unpleasant memory bearable, but failing to conceal how badly it had affected her.

"Agreed... I felt so defenceless like that, every shadow looked a million times more threatening." Haru nodded solemnly, "but as you said Mona, all that is left is the calling card and to get the treasure."
"Man, we really went through a lot, the whole signature bullshit and Akechi turning on us was a real pain in the ass." Akira opened his mouth quickly, but tentatively. This was probably the best chance he had to begin bringing up the living arrangements of Akechi. He gave a little cough that successfully grabbed everyone's attention onto him.

"I actually have something important to tell you all about Akechi." He heard the fwip of Morgana's head turning to him, clearly knowing what he was going to say. He scanned around them, this was definitely not the right place to begin a conversation which he knew would make a lot of commotion. They would be surrounded by shadows in minutes of what he suspected to happen, happened. "We should probably get out of here first though." There were a few curious yet unnerved looks exchanged when they all nodded and opened the metaverse app.

Their surroundings seemed to bubble around them and then the familiar diet building was in plain view. This plain looking building was a ship to Shido. A ship to steer this county to salvation. Akira repressed a shudder and turned around to face all everyone who was intently staring at him.
"Well, Morgana and I..." He heard an indignant cough and he changed his approach quickly, "...I wanted to get your opinions on giving him a second chance."

The reaction was explosive, it was lucky there were no passers by at this time because he could have sworn at least one would have called the police on a noise complaint. Ryuji was fully against the idea, while Makoto seemed to be inclined to give the detective the benefit of the doubt. A split opinion, just what he needed.
"There's more..." he said reluctantly as he saw Morgana prompt him with a hard stare, "he says he needs a place to stay because his apartment isn't safe anymore now that he can't do Shido's dirty work."

"Well that's utter bullshit!" This sounded familiar... He knew Ryuji was likely to be the strongest against Akechi's remorse and he wasn't sure if it would be possible to convince Ryuji this time. "He doesn't have to stay at any of our places, he can just get a hotel room if he's that worried, we shouldn't have to do anything for him!" Ryuji stamped crossly.
"If Akechi said it's because of Shido that he isn't safe, then shouldn't changing Shido's heart fix that problem?

Akira recounted everything Alechi had said about Shido's accomplices working in unsuspecting places and how Shido was likely to have given orders already making Akechi a target until the election where Shido would hopefully confess if they did everything right.
"Well damn..." Futaba stated into the silence that followed Akira's words, "if he's telling the truth then I can't blame him for being scared, we know what Shido did to this guy -she pointed a thumb to Akira- when he crossed him the wrong way, we also saw how willing Shido was to dispose of Akechi now that he was ensured as Prime minister."

"I agree full heartedly, but if he is lying... if this is all a ploy to spy on the phantom thieves..." Yusuke spoke gravely, "it will be too late if he begins to act on something." Akira but his lip hard.
"Isn't it against what the phantom thieves stand for if we let this continue?" Ann stepped forward confidently, her raised fiat punching the air in defiance, "the phantom thieves are supposed to help those who are in need, Akechi is asking for our help, we can't ignore that!"

Akira smiled at her and nodded in agreement,
"Everyone for giving Akechi a chance raise your hand." He wished this would work, he hadn't been great with the whole team coordinating things. Makoto usually helped out with that.
"The phantom thieves have never backed down from a challenge, no matter how difficult." Haru raised her hand,
"I've know what it's like to not feel safe somewhere, I don't want others feeling that way," Futaba raised a shaky hand alongside Ann, Makoto and himself. Great, it was now that he wished the whole unanimous thing didn't exist, his group of 'pro Akechi' just exceeded the other.

He had to convince the others,
"Yusuke, what are you most worried about?" Yusuke blinked at him,
"Having someone who deceived others like it's nothing in close quarters at all times is worrying, I'm also rather surprised you aren't more concerned about this,"
"I have Morgana with me, and Futaba is just across the road, I'm not alone. We can also make precautions to prevent..." he paused for a second, "anything that could be transpiring without our knowledge." Akira refuted, "everyone deserves a second chance, even Akechi,"

Yusuke didn't look as though he agreed entirely with Akira, but gave him a nod and raised his hand a little to indicate that he was willing to support the idea.
"It's not a good idea to take this lightly, you're trusting him way to easily man." Akira opened his mouth to speak, he had one idea and no matter how stupid it was, it could work.
"You've got to take a leap of faith if you ever want to see results, if we don't give Akechi the chance, he won't change... and I'll take you out for ramen if you agree."

Ryuji grumbled a few nonsensical words under his breath, some of them to do with the promise of food and threw Akira a disgruntled look, raising a hand. Akira smiled when he saw everyone with their hands up, Morgana being excluded because he had already agreed earlier and Akira was not letting him back out on his word now.
"Then it's unanimous." He got out his phone and quickly messaged Akechi.

Akira: I talked it over with everyone and they all decided that it's best for you to stay at Leblanc if you still want to

It felt good to finally let the guilt out that had been clogging his systems all evening. He no longer had to feel like the bad guy for not allowing Akechi residence while he was in danger. He felt the phone buzz in his hands and he looked down to see a reply from Akechi.

Akechi: Is it really alright?

Akira: it was a unanimous decision so I think you're good

Akechi: thankyou, I don't know how to repay you for this

Akira stared at the words for a few seconds, not entirely sure what to feel. He felt a small smile creep into the corners of his mouth as he texted a reply.

Akira: just don't make me coffee, knowing you, it'll probably end up tasting like dishwater

Akechi: I'm not that bad! But I might leave the coffee making up to the master

Akechi: unless you can teach me.

Akira: I dunno... you seem like a lost cause to me

Akechi: that's a little harsh... it's not like you've ever tried a coffee I've made, it could be amazing for all you know.

Akira: I doubt it, but you can always prove me wrong detective

"Akira, you coming?"
"You're gonna be left behind if you don't pay attention to your surroundings~"
"I pay the price for your dilly dallying, so giddy up my humble steed," Morgana called from the bag as the rest of the group began to walk away back in the direction of the station.

Akira: will be back at Leblanc soon

Will You Forgive Me? (Akechi x Akira)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora