Chapter 12: The Resolution

Start from the beginning

"We do have something good Raven, but alas in this life we were sadly not meant to be. I know this hard for you Raven. I don't blame you for falling for me. I am pretty irresistible so it's no wonder. Perhaps in the next life we can find our way to each other," replied Lexa with a devilish look on her face.

"Well, if that's how you feel maybe you should just marry Raven instead," huffed Clarke. "Clarke you know I love you. Raven and I were just joking around," replied Lexa sincerely.

"Yeah you have nothing to worry about. I was just messing with you Clarke. I know Lexa's your girl. I mean don't get me wrong she's awesome, but she belongs with you. You know me I'm a big flirt. What can I say I enjoy the thrill of flirting with a hot girl or guy. Seriously though when I said I was happy for you guys I meant it," stated Raven genuinely.

"Don't worry I'm not really mad. I know you guys were just joking. I love you both, but seriously Raven can you please try not to flirt with my fiancé so much. Can you do that for me?" asked Clarke. "Sure I mean I'll do my best. I can't guarantee that I won't flirt on the odd occasion, because that's just who I am. So we good?" replied Raven. "We're good," stated Clarke before hugging Raven.

"Okay that was random. Anyway congrats you guys I'm really pleased for you. Come here Princess," grinned Bellamy as he pulled Clarke in for a hug. "Thanks Bell," replied Clarke smiling. "Congrats Lexa," stated Bellamy putting out his hand for Lexa to shake it. "Thank you Bellamy I appreciate it," replied Lexa shaking Bellamy's outstretched hand.

"Thank you all of you. All of your kind words have touched my heart and I know it means everything to Clarke and I to have your support," stated Lexa sincerely. "Lexa's right we cannot stress enough how much your support means to us. I love you guys and I cannot wait to marry the woman that I love in front of all of you," stated Clarke lovingly. With that Raven, Octavia and Bellamy pulled both girls into a big hug.

Abby and Kane shortly arrived and were surprised to see the group hug that was happening in front of them. "Have we missed something?" asked Abby with a hint of confusion. "Oh hey Mom. Yes, there's something that Lexa and I would like to share with you both. We're getting married," gushed Clarke.

"Right well congratulations to you both," stated Kane warmly. Meanwhile Abby was struggling to hide how taken aback she was at the announcement. "Mom say something?" asked Clarke anxiously. "Oh honey come here! I'm so very happy for you," stated Abby while pulling Clarke into a hug. "Thanks Mom," stated Clarke as she felt a sense of relief at her mother's approval. Abby then turned to hug Lexa saying, "I know I did not approve of you at first Lexa, but I was wrong. I can see how much you love Clarke and that you make her very happy. I don't think I could have asked for a better daughter in law than you."

Lexa was instantly moved by the older women that she had previously despised with a burning passion. "Thank you Abby. That means more to me than you could possibly ever know. I am honoured to have met Clarke to be loved by Clarke. Becoming a part of your family will give me much joy," stated Lexa wholeheartedly.

As everyone sat down to breakfast the discussions of the impending wedding began. The topics of discussion ranged from the types of outfits, to the floral arrangements as well as possible locations where the wedding could be held.

The wedding talk did not stop all day and by mid afternoon Lexa had had enough. She wanted nothing more than to marry Clarke, but the incessant wedding talk was beginning to irritate her. As much as she understood that the people were only trying to help, the wedding primarily should be about what she and Clarke both wanted. However, it seemed more and more that the wedding that she and Clarke wanted was not being factored into the discussions. Everyone seemed to have their own ideas, yet they could agree on nothing. Some of the suggestions were becoming increasingly over the top. For instance, Lexa considered Raven to be a good friend, but there was no way that she was going to allow Raven to involve explosives at her wedding.

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