Chapter 10: The Reckoning

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Clarke found herself exhausted. She had spent the last day in the war tent planning for their battle with the Ice Nation. That wasn't the only reason why Clarke was tired though. Despite having spent most of their previous day planning their attack Lexa had been the complete opposite of tired. In fact she had been wide awake. Lexa had had a lot of excess energy due to Clarke's stunt under the table at the meeting.

All of this had led to a very sleepless night for Clarke as Lexa had exacted her revenge by teasing her only to stop when she became close. As a result Clarke had been left with so much sexual frustration that she had not been able to sleep. The brunette had of course drifted off to sleep with a smirk on her face.

As much as Clarke had been annoyed she knew it had been her own fault. "Actually no it was mainly that stupid dick from the Ice Nation's fault. If he hadn't have come I totally would have gotten Lexa off. Damn him!" Clarke mentally cursed the Ice Nation's messenger for what felt like the hundredth time.

However, here she was in the war tent with Lexa briefing the Grounder warriors and Skykru alike of their plan. Lexa had just been explaining to the grounders in trigedasleng as Octavia translated for the skykru that the Commander and Clarke would be leading in front together. In addition a row of grounder warriors with shields would be in the front along with skykru soldiers carrying their own shields as well as their guns. The rest would fall behind in a neat formation. Some of the grounders would be in the trees with bows and arrows ready to shoot.

Everyone in the room began to nod as Lexa finished speaking. "Clarke is there anything you would like to add?" asked Lexa sincerely. Clarke was proud of Lexa in that moment as it had taken a lot for her to accept that Clarke was going to fight alongside her. Lexa had not wanted Clarke to come, because she was terrified of loosing her just like she had done with Costia. Clarke had assured her that she was not Costia and that things would be different. Eventually Lexa had relented.

"I would just like to say that there might be more of them, but we are far more skilled and are much stronger. We also have bullets whereas they don't. In addition, we will also have the element of surprise on our side, because they will not be expecting us to meet them early. As long as we work together we will be unstoppable," declared Clarke firmly.

At this moment Lexa was two things. One she was terrified of loosing the woman that she loves. Second she was completely and utterly in awe of Clarke and her ability to capture a room with her words. It was one of the many things thats she loved about Clarke. Lexa silently swore that she would do everything in her power to protect the blonde, but she would also fight to stay alive for Clarke as well. "Tomorrow we will march to TonDc where we will defeat the Ice Nation. They will pay for their crimes. The Ice Queen is mine! Jus drein Jus daun!" shouted Lexa. Soon the whole room including Clarke were chanting "Jus drein Jus daun!"

After the meeting a big feast was prepared in order to give those fighting much needed strength. There was various different meats cooking as well as vegetables, bread, cheese, berries and plenty of wine. It was a celebration in many ways as for some this would be their last feast. Grounders and skykru alike joined in with the dancing and spirits remained high. As the night grew later more and more people returned to their tents in order to get some rest before the early travel to TonDc.

Eventually after bidding their friends goodnight Clarke and Lexa returned to their tent. Clarke was worried about Lexa. The brunette had been quiet all night and it scared the hell out of Clarke. "Lex talk to me? Babe please tell me what you are thinking?" pleaded Clarke. "I do not know if I can be strong for both of us Clarke. I cannot loose you. My mind has to be completely clear for me to win this war. I cannot be distracted. I am worried that I will be too concerned about loosing you, which would put us all in danger. I cannot my people down. Furthermore I refuse to let Her win," declared Lexa she felt tears to pool in her eyes.

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