Chapter 12: The Resolution

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Clarke awoke in the early hours of the morning and couldn't help, but grin to herself as she recalled the events of the previous night. "Lexa proposed to me and I said yes. I'm going to marry the woman that I love!" exclaimed Clarke mentally. Clarke could not contain her joy any more as she jumped out of bed, fist pumped the air and cheered loudly.

This then woke up a sleeping Lexa who having been startled by Clarke's cheering instantly reached for her sword. Lexa circled the room with her sword pointed out in front of her as she assessed the room for danger. "What happened? Clarke are you hurt? I heard screaming?" asked Lexa urgently. It was then that Clarke proceeded to burst into a fit of giggles much to Lexa's annoyance.

After a few minutes Clarke managed to compose herself and was met with Lexa's scowling face. "Sorry Lex I didn't mean to startle you. I just can't wait to marry you babe so I got so excited and then I started screaming, because I just can't contain my excitement. I'm sorry Lex," stated Clarke apologetically. "I forgive you Clarke, but maybe next time you decide to scream wake me up first. I could have killed you Clarke," pleaded Lexa. "You're right I promise I will wake you up the next time I decide to scream. Aren't you excited though? I... uh... about getting married I mean," mumbled Clarke.

At seeing Clarke so visibly nervous Lexa immediately relaxed. "Of course I am excited about getting married Clarke," smiled Lexa warmly. "You mistake my seriousness for lack of enthusiasm, but that is not the case. I was annoyed at myself, because by reaching for my weapon I unintentionally endangered your life."

Clarke could see the guilt in Lexa's face and eyes and knew that she had to reassure the brunette that everything was fine. Clarke planted a firm kiss on Lexa's lips before saying, "Hey look at me Lex. You did nothing wrong. All you did was try to protect me, because you thought I was in danger. For that I love you," stated Clarke firmly. "I love you too Clarke."

This time Lexa was the one to kiss Clarke. The intensity soon began to build and that started as a simple kiss soon turned much more passionate. Once both girls had broken for air Clarke breathlessly stated, "Right well I think now would be a good time to get dressed and go to breakfast. Then maybe we could tell everyone our news." "I think that is a good idea Clarke. Together we can do this," stated Lexa. "Together," repeated Clarke.

As both girls reached the mess hall they made their way to their table where they were greeted by familiar faces. Instead of sitting down both girls remained standing.

Clarke cleared her throat and began to speak. "Hey could I get everyone's attention please?" At this the whole room became quiet. "Thanks. Before we sit down Lexa and I have some news that we would like to share with you all. Last night Lexa asked me to marry her and I said yes. We're getting married!" exclaimed Clarke excitedly.

Without warning the Sky people began to cheer. For the benefit of her people Lexa repeated the news in trigedasleng. Soon the room was filled with the cheers of both the trikru and the skykru alike. A few grounders took it upon themselves to lift both Lexa and Clarke into the room causing the crowd to react with shouts of "Heda" and "Sky Princess".

Eventually the cheering died down and both girls were placed back down on the ground. Before either of the girls could sit down both were pulled into a tight hug by Raven and Octavia. "Omg I am so happy for you guys! I am so excited I could throw up!" exclaimed Octavia enthusiastically.

"Ew way to the ruin the moment O! Anyway moving on from that disgusting image that we can all thank O for, congrats you guys! I'm super stoked. I knew you had it in you Commander Heart Eyes. Although I'm a little heart broken you didn't choose me Lex. After all, I'm hot and I'm pretty damn awesome. I thought you and I had something good Lexy," stated Raven teasingly.

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