Chapter 6: Life Is Never Simple

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Lexa sat at the head of the table in her throne looking regal as ever while listening to the leaders of the 11 clans, including Indra argue about what to do about the Coalition and the Alliance. The more time passed the more frustrated Lexa became. She had heard a mixture of suggestions ranging from keeping the Alliance and Coalition right up to getting rid of the Alliance and Coalition altogether, but nobody could agree on anything.

As the arguing became more heated Lexa had finally had enough. In one swift moment Lexa stood up, smacked her hand loudly on the table and growled, "Empleni!" in a tone of voice that meant she was not to be disobeyed. Immediately, everyone in the room fell silent. Lexa remained standing before addressing the room with an enraged tone of voice by saying, "I have had enough of you dimwits for today! The meeting is cancelled. We will reconvene in two days time. By then maybe you will all be able to come up with some useful suggestions. Now leave me."

Just as everyone was about to vacate the room, one man named Shax, the advisor to the Ice Queen spoke up. "Heda, you should not let your affections for Clarke of the Sky People cloud you judgement. You know my Queen is right when she says there is no need for the Coalition or the Alliance any more. If you were not involved with this girl then you would see that it is the best solution."

An eerie silence filled the room as Lexa faced Shax with a look that screamed murder. "Do you dare to defy Me Shax of the Ice Nation? Have you forgotten who I am and what I am capable of?" snarled Lexa. "Forgive me, Heda. I did not mean to speak out of turn," replied Shax calmly. Lexa glared at Shax and relied viscously, "Get. Out. Now. Before I cut out your tongue or worse. Don't even think for a minute that I won't kill you, because I will. Everybody get out Now!"

With that the room emptied leaving only Lexa and Indra in the room. Indra was about to say something, but Lexa was not in the mood so cut her off quickly saying, "Indra leave me now." Indra nodded and then left. She could see how angry Lexa was and no wonder thought Indra. "How dare he talk to Heda like that!" Admittedly Indra was not a fan of Clarke of the Sky People, but she could see how much Heda cared for the girl and it was plain to all that the Sky girl was just as devoted to Lexa. With that in mind Indra had chosen to accept Clarke, but that did not mean that she had to like her. Indra turned up to Lexa's bedroom quarters and knocked on the door. She entered as she heard Clarke telling her to come in.

Clarke was currently sat at Lexa's dressing table with her sketch pad and charcoal as she began to draw Lexa. Clarke wanted to capture just how beautifully mesmerising Lexa was on paper. Her concentration was broken momentarily by a knock at the door. She told the person to come in and was surprised to see Indra. Her heart sunk a little as she thought that it had been Lexa returning from her meeting. "Hi Indra, what can I do for you?" asked Clarke. "I thought that you would like to know that the meeting has finished, but it did not go well," replied Indra.

Clarke had thought that that might be the case as it certainly explained why Indra was here. "Indra, where is Lexa?" "Still in the meeting room I believe." "Thank you, Indra. You may go now." Indra hated taking orders from anyone other than Lexa, but she knew that she would have to get used to it so she simply nodded to Clarke before exiting the room.

Now that Indra had left Clarke was able to collect her thoughts and then head in the direction of the meeting room. Clarke was unsure as to whether her presence would be wanted by Lexa or not, but that wasn't going to stop her from going. After all Clarke had promised that they would do this together.

As Clarke entered the meeting room she was met with a big bang as the table was thrown across the room and subsequently shattered as it hit the wall. The floor was a mess with chairs thrown all over the place. Clarke was in complete shock. Sure she had seen Lexa angry before, but this was on a whole other scale. "Lex?" whispered Clarke softly. Lexa whirled around at the sound of Clarke's voice. She had not noticed the blonde enter. "Clarke...I...You should go. I...I...don't want you to see me like this. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you," pleaded Lexa.

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