Chapter 7: Consequences

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Several minutes passed and still Clarke and Lexa remained silent both stuck for words. "Clarke what is the meaning of this?" asked Abby angrily. "Mom this isn't how I wanted you to find out, believe me, but Lexa and I are together," replied Clarke calmly. "I don't understand," huffed Abby. "I love Lexa, Mom. We're dating and there isn't anything you can do about it. Can you please just be happy for me?" asked Clarke who was becoming increasingly more frustrated.

"I can't believe you, Clarke. You left Camp without saying goodbye. I've been sick with worry these past few months not knowing where you were when all this time you where with Her. You couldn't bother to let me know you were ok? I'm your Mother Clarke. When did she suddenly become more important to you?" shouted Abby.

"I know I should have said goodbye. I'm sorry, I screwed up, but what do you want me to say? You would never have let me go. I couldn't stay here any longer after what I did, because I couldn't stand seeing your faces everyday knowing what I did to get you all back so I chose to bear it so you didn't have to. As for Lexa I didn't originally intend to find her, but in the end I did. I'm not going to apologise for loving Lexa, Mom and you know what Lexa love me too. I don't have to justify anything to you!" spat Clarke.

Lexa had to fight the urge to draw her sword and plunge it into Abby's chest. Nevertheless, Lexa's grip on her sword remained tight causing her knuckles to turn white with the action. In her opinion Abby was a useless, unforgiving woman, who liked to think she was in charge despite the fact she was incapable of leading her people. Everyone including Lexa saw Clarke as the true leader of her people.

Lexa was startled out her ministrations by Abby speaking yet again. "How can you possibly love her Clarke? She is savage along with the rest of her people. Not to mention a murderer. She has the blood of hundreds if not thousands on her hands. Do I have to remind you of Finn?" Abby was disgusted with Clarke. She could not possibly see what Clarke saw in the Commander. As far as Abby could see there wasn't a good bone in her body.

"I killed Finn not Lexa. If you think Lexa is savage then what does it make me? I have the blood of hundreds on me too. That's something I have to live with everyday, but the decisions that both Lexa and I have made were to save our people. That doesn't make it right, but we didn't have a choice. We do what we have to do in order to survive. The dead are gone and the living are hungry, which as harsh as it sounds is true," growled Clarke.

"Clarke, listen to me honey. You are not the Commander. You are a good person who was forced to kill those people. If the Commander had not left our people to die none of that would have happened. I know you believe that she loves you, but that is not the case. She is not capable of love," retorted Abby.

"Mom, Stop!" pleaded Clarke to no avail.

"No, Clarke you need to hear this. The Commander does not have a heart. She is cold, ruthless and heartless. She may have told you that she loves you, but she is only using you Clarke. The Commander wants you for her own agenda in order to control you so she can eventually control all our people. She will only hurt you Clarke. Mark my words once you are no longer useful to her she will kill you!"

Finally Lexa snapped. She could no longer listen to Abby and she was saying about her. Lexa had tried to remain in control for Clarke's sake as she did not want to the reason for Clarke having no parents. However, Abby Griffin had dug her own grave and she was going to pay the price for her insolence.

In the blink of an eye Lexa had drawn her sword at lightning speed that was now currently pointed at Abby's neck. By this stage a crowd had gathered, but the spectators stayed silent. Clarke watched on in horror as her girlfriend stood ready to kill as she visibly shook with anger. She made her way to Lexa and gently put her hand on top of Lexa's in an attempt to get the brunette to lower her sword. "Hey, Lex look at me. You don't want to do this. She isn't worth it. What she said is unforgivable, but she is still my Mother. Please don't kill her Lexa," pleaded Clarke.

Lexa looked into Clarke's eyes and found her resolve weakening. She could not hurt Clarke so she reluctantly lowered her weapon and returned it to its scabbard. This time Clarke took Lexa's hand in her own and gave it a squeeze to show that she wasn't going anywhere.

Abby was about to mutter out a "thank you," but was quickly stopped by Lexa. "Save it Abby. I did not do it for you. I did it for Clarke, because she loves you and deserves to have her Mother. I will not be the one to take that away from her. Do not ever speak to me like that again or I will show you just how merciless I can be."

At those words Abby shuddered, but Lexa ignored her instead continuing to speak.

"You do not know me so do not pretend you do. You know nothing about me or how I feel, Abby Griffin. The truth is I used to think that love is weakness, because my heart was broken when I lost someone that I loved. I did not think that I was capable of loving again until I met Clarke. She captured my heart from the moment I first laid eyes on her and from then on everything has changed. I tried to forget about my feelings, because I thought it made me weak, but in reality it makes me stronger. I love your daughter with all my heart and would never deliberately hurt her. I can honestly say I have never loved anyone like I love Clarke. She is the only one I want to be with. There is nothing you can do to change that," snarled Lexa.

In that moment Clarke loved Lexa more than she ever thought possible and it scared her, but in a good way. She felt an overpowering sense of adoration for the brunette and knew that the most important person in her life was Lexa. As long as Clarke had Lexa nothing else mattered in the slightest.

"If you can't accept my relationship with Lexa then there is no longer a place for you in my life." Clarke then with Lexa hot on her heels turned to exit the camp in order to find the newly erected tent of the Commander that bore the Commander's insignia. Before reaching the tent Lexa released all the anger she felt into one punch as she punched the metal fence leaving a slight dent. Clarke glared at her Mom then taking Lexa's non bruised and bloody hand led Lexa to the medical Bay.

"What the hell is wrong with you Abby? Why are you so against Clarke being happy? Clarke loves Lexa so much and you are blind if you think that Lexa doesn't love her. You can see how much she loves Clarke just by the way that she looks at her. I mean she is practically giving her heart eyes, which is why I've decided to call her Commander Heart Eyes," said Raven heatedly.

"Yeah not cool Abby. You're breaking Clarke's hearts. For Clarke's sake you need to get your shit together and suck it," shouted Octavia.

"You're both right. I have a lot of work to do in order to fix things with Clarke," replied Abby sadly before walking away leaving Raven and Octavia alone. "Commander Heart Eyes, huh? I love it!" stated Octavia enthusiastically. "Thanks, O. What can I say I'm pretty damn awesome," replied Raven matter of factly.

After attending to Lexa's bloody and broken knuckles by cleaning them and then taping them tightly with gauze in order to create some padding, the pair eventually made it to Lexa's tent. When inside Lexa pulled Clarke into a tight embrace wanting to thank her for taking care of her hand, but also to show her that she was here for her. Clarke wanted to stay like this forever, because she just felt so safe in Lexa's arms. "I love you, Lex," whispered Clarke. "I love you too, Clarke," whispered Lexa back.

Without hesitation Clarke pressed her lips to Lexa's and brought them into a soft kiss. Clarke then deepened the kiss and was grateful when Lexa granted her tongue entrance. Both of the girls tongue's became one as they joined together in a sensual dance of dominance. As the kisses intensified the more desperate they became.

Clarke pushed herself closer into Lexa and could feel taught muscles underneath the brunette's clothes. The closeness of the bodies created friction as the fabrics rubbed against the girls causing both girls to moan. Both Clarke and Lexa eventually broke away from the kiss so that they could breathe again. Breathlessly Clarke told Lexa as she pressed her forehead to Lexa's, "I'm ready, Lex."

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