Chapter 2: The Journey

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Clarke's POV
The next morning Clarke awoke to the early morning light shining through her tent. Clarke let out a yawn, stood up and began to stretch. After stretching Clarke decided to forego washing instead opting to have a quick breakfast as she wanted to begin her journey to Polis as quickly as possible. As Clarke was eating her breakfast that consisted of berries and dried cured meat a rustling in the trees caught her by surprise. She immediately stiffened and her hand gripped her gun tightly causing her knuckles to turn white. "Whose there?" called Clarke towards the direction of the noise. There was silence. Clarke began to feel frustrated making her sigh and to state sharply "Look I know you're there! Yore not fooling anyone! Reveal yourself before you make me shoot you." Suddenly, Octavia and Lincoln appeared having previously been in a nearby tree. Clarke gasped and felt the shock travel throughout her body. "I think this is the first time I've seen you at a loss for words, Clarke." Octavia stared coldly at Clarke who instantly realised that the younger girl had still not forgiven her for knowing about the missile that struck TonDc. "Octavia, Lincoln, what are you guys doing here?" retorted Clarke. This time Lincoln was the first to speak. "We've come from TonDc where we've been helping with the re-building. Octavia noticed you yesterday while out patrolling. We had been told that you left Camp Jaha from Bellamy. It's not safe out here. You should go back." Clarke's mind raced with the new information. Her brain had been so occupied recently that it had completely escaped her how close she actually was to TonDc. She looked up to face both Lincoln and Octavia and replied as steadily as she could "I can't go back. I'm...I'm not ready." If they had noticed her voice shaking they certainly did not sow it and Clarke was glad. Octavia who had been glaring remained silent for a moment before stepping closer to Clarke with her expression softening. "Look I know I gave you a hard time after what happened at TonDc, but Lincoln's right. It's not safe for you to be alone."

Clarke gave Octavia a small sad smile before telling her, "I appreciate the concern Octavia, but I have to do this. Do you understand that?" Octavia nodded before saying "I do get it, Clarke. You need to alone, but where are you going to go? I would prefer it if you came back to TonDc with us, because you'd still be away from Camp Jaha, but at least you'd be safer." Before Clarke could even begin to form a reply Octavia had interrupted her saying "Before you say anything Clarke, I still haven't forgiven you. Not yet anyway, but I've had time to think and I understand why you did it. I guess I've also missed my friend." Clarke felt her eyes begin to fill with tears and without hesitation Octavia was enveloping her in a tight hug. In between sobs Clarke managed to choke out "I've missed you too, O." Whilst being hugged by Octavia it dawned on Clarke that she had been missing this kind of human contact. A few minutes past and Clarke managed to compose herself once again. Octavia broke off the hug to take Clarke's hand and squeeze it. This gave Clarke the courage to tell her friends where she was truly headed. With her newly found courage Clarke told Octavia and Lincoln calmly that she was headed to Polis. "Your'e going where?" exclaimed Octavia. "I'm going to Polis, O. I have to. I have unfinished business with the Commander," stated Clarke firmly. Octavia and Lincoln turned to each other seeming to be having a silent conversation before nodding at each other. Octavia then faced Clarke to say "Ok, Clarke. Lincoln and I will return to TonDc, but we will come back here as soon as possible with a horse, some supplies and most importantly a map, because I'm guessing you don't know how to get to Polis?" Clarke inwardly sighed before confirming Octavia's doubts. Once again Octavia encircled Clarke in a tight hug promising to return then whoop looking back she leaves with Lincoln in the direction of TonDc. Clarke watch them before returning to her unfinished breakfast.

True to her word Octavia and Lincoln return a few hours later along with the horse, belongings and much needed map. Lincoln hands Clarke the map, which he had marked where she was and the destination of Polis to ensure she got to the right place. Clarke gave Octavia and Lincoln both a hg and then promptly mounted her horse. She then turned back to look at her friends who both wished her luck and with that she set off towards Polis. Clarke urged her horse into a fast trot as she wanted to cover as much ground as possible, because she'd been told by Lincoln that her journey would take at least three days. The more Clarke rode the more she allowed herself to relax to the rhythm that she felt as she bobbed up and down in her saddle. Clarke was grateful that Octavia and Lincoln had found her as well as being glad that the younger girl no longer hated her and vowed she would do everything she could to regain her trust. Clarke just hoped she could trust Octavia not to tell Bellamy or Raven or especially not her Mother of her whereabouts. The brunette had sworn that she wouldn't, Clarke still felt uneasy. She did not want anyone at Camp Jaha knowing where she was, because they would insist she come back with them, but she wasn't ready. She still needed time to heal away from the people that were a constant reminders of the awful things she had done in order to survive. She needed to be around someone who understood and despite what she thought about the Commander, Lexa was the only person who she knew would understand how she was feeling. That was her sole reason for her journey to Polis. A few hours later just as the light began to fade, Clarke set up her tent, built and lit a fire all before tucking into some bread, cheese, more berries and more meat. After her appetite and thirst had been satiated Clarke put out the fire, crawled into her tent and fell into a deep sleep.

Two Days Later

Clarke had begun the final part of her journey to Polis. She hoped to arrive their in a few hours. Instantly, Clarke began to feel queasy and she could feel butterflies forming in the pit of her stomach. "What the hell is wrong with you?" thought Clarke. Of course she already knew. In a few hours she would come face to face with Lexa. Part of her was excited to see Lexa again and to be able to gaze into her startling green eyes. Clarke then began to think about Lexa's perfectly formed lips and the way they felt pressed against her lips. Clarke started to feel flush and her mouth felt dry and she soon realized she was biting her bottom lip. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Clarke did not want to be thinking about Lexa in that way and ,mentally cursed herself. She was angry for being weak and instead reminded herself that Lexa betrayed her, which was something she could not forget no matter how mesmerising and beautiful she found Lexa to be. What felt like years, which in reality was only a few hours, Clarke eventually arrived at a huge golden gate manned by two large grounder warriors. Clarke let out a gasp as she quickly realized she had reached Polis.

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