"She also went through the whole thing with" Allison looked at me and I nodded "with Derek, she is some sort of supernatural thing and a banshee she is allowed to loose her mind for a little bit." She spoke to Stiles in a sassy tone and I looked at Stiles with my nose scrunched up and my tongue out in childish way to say HA HA.

"We'll keep and eye on each other, all of us. Okay?" Stiles said looking at us- our pack. "Lydia stop enjoying this so much" I said lightly laughing at her. She pursed her lips.

"What?" she said innocently. Then the bell rang and I unlinked me and Lydia's arms and waved to them and walked towards my class


My class was watching a documentary so I zoned out

I pounced on my next victim and licked my lips before trusting my teeth into there neck, stopping there pulse and heart. I felt the body go limp under me and I could feel power fill my insides. I licked my lips again with the blood from the victim still lingering in my mouth.

I looked down at the victim and noticed I only saw red. That's weird. The face was almost blurred out as if my mind didn't want to see who it was.

I shook my head a few times and rubbed my eyes finally getting the red away. I was confused when I first saw the person. I dint know her.

It was a girl with a fair complexion brown eyes and brown blonde hair. I didn't know who she was until her eyes turned electric blue and she gasped out.

"H-help m-m-e" She gasped out before she turned into a coyote. WHAT THE FUCK

I screamed I was shocked a girl whom I think I just killed asked for my help them turned into a coyote. What the hell just happened! I was still screaming.

"Miss McCall!" I heard someone yell. I sprang upward breathing roughly; tears were streaming down my face. I looked up and noticed  a few of my students were in front of me with worry all over their faces.

"Are you ok?" One asked.I just sat there sitting and shaking. What is happening to me? I'm going crazy.

I am going crazy.

I was in the woods with Allison and Lydia during out their free block. I was sent home for rest. We were trying to help Allison regain her aim. She took a arrow out and put it in the bow. She pulled it back but it was super shaky and she missed.

She picked up another bow and tried again. She missed the target by far and she flinched when she shot the arrow which is a something he never does.

"Maybe" I started popping my lips and sucking on my teeth. "Hold the string a different way. Try the Mongolian draw" I said nodding my head and looking at the target. Allison and Lydia both looked at me oddly and I shrugged.

"I took archery in London for extra curricular." I said with a lifeless voice. "Try it" I said pushing her shoulder lightly and picking up an arrow for her and handing it to her giving her a firm nod and a smile.

She tried again this time turning the bow around so it was horizontally not vertically. Lydia put her hand out and looked like she was trying to be Matilda and move the arrow with her hand so it would make it in the red zone on the target.

Again she shot and missed and me and Lydia both had our eye brows up in shock as it looked like it would at least hit the paper but it didn't. I let out a sigh as it flew past the tree and landed yards away.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked at Allison.

"Okay uh. Take a second and close your eyes. Imagine he arrow going into the target." Lydia said placing her hands on Allison's arms.

When Allison opened her eyes she flinched and searched the woods. What is she doing? I sniffed the air trying to see if anyone was out there but I got nothing. I looked at her.

"Did you see that?" She asked.

"Allison no ones out there" I said. She shook her head and grabbed her bag of arrows told us to wait here while she walked away.

"Are you serious?" Lydia said frustrated.

"I'll be right back" Allison said reassuringly,

"You did not just say that!" Lydia breathed out.

"Lydia don't you worry! You're a banshee with another fellow banshee that just so happens is able to sense the future and we can both sense death and I feel nothing, you?" She shook her head no with her lips pursed.

"And did your forget that your best friend is also a supernatural creature of the night?" I said flashing my purple glowing eyes to her. She shook her head and laughed.

"You are something else Kel" She said shaking her head laughing.

I heard Allison's heartbeat pick up like she was scared. I pushed Lydia behind be and told her I got a bed feeling about Allison.

The next thing I know is Allison comes into view and shoots and arrow. Straight. Towards. My. Face.

I yelp and quickly grip the arrow before it penetrated my face. I sighed out as the arrow snapped from my grip. Suddenly Isaac is next to me looking shocked and holding Lydia.

"Oh my God. Oh my God Kel" Allison said dropping her bow and putting her hands up. I just stared at the half of arrow that was an inch away from my face. I let out a shaky breath.

"It's alright Allison I'm fine supernatural reflexes and all really come in handy sometimes." I tried to laugh but I failed miserably.


Written on October 11th-12th 2014 originally
rewritten October 10-11th 2015

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