Nick of Time [Marvel/TWD]

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#34 "I mean it's not like I missed you or anything."

Summary: Darcy was visiting family when the dead started rising and making a meal out of the living. She joined forces with a group from Georgia who have all been through some shit, so she's quite relieved when her other friends find her in the nick of time.

Tags: Darcy Lewis, Wanda Maximoff, Hershel Greene, Michonne, Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff

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Darcy has been with the Atlanta group since her parent's town had been evacuated- a nice man in a Winnebago having stopped behind their vehicle to give them a lift when the engine of her parent's car overheated. Dale had two other women with him, sisters Andrea and Amy, and it was a little more than cramped in his vehicle, but they made do.

They eventually joined forces with others parked on the side of the road when the government started dropping bombs on the most populated cities, and camped out near a quarry where the Dixon brothers mentioned it would be hard for the dead to follow. That first night, while sharing a tent with her parents, Darcy had wished she had listened to Stark and taken him up on the offer of a Stark Phone. She had trouble getting through to anyone on her cell and service ended up cutting out days later. Not even Heimdall answered her pleas for help.

She ended up losing her parents one night when the quarry was overrun with the dead, so she stuck with the original group when they decided to move on. Throughout the months they ended up losing people, gaining people, and they even found people thought gone forever. They moved from location to location, and ended up settling down in a prison they did their best to clear and clean out.

But eventually the living get greedy and people want things that don't belong to them, and Darcy and her friends have to fight for what they'd worked so hard to make their own.

Which is why when Darcy is knocked unconscious and then threatened by the one man who practically frothed at the mouth to have the prison his men who were too chicken shit to clean out themselves, she's not that surprised. She is, however, surprised when her hands are bound behind her back and then shoved to her knees next to Hershel and Michonne in the middle of the field outside of the prison fences. Her people are forced to watch as the Governor stands behind them with Michonne's katana in hand and he offers Rick a deal- the prison or his friends.

She knows Rick will do everything to keep the prison, especially since a sickness had laid out a bunch of their people and were still on the mend, so her heart breaks for the man as he struggles to offer the Governor half the prison if he let the three of them go. Even when threatened with a goddamn military tank that the Governor found, Rick will not walk away completely. Not when he has Carl and Judith's future to think about.

But the Governor is not right in the mind.

Everything happens in slow motion next. From the corner of her eye she sees the Governor pull back and raise Michonne's katana, ready to strike. Beth and Maggie scream out in horror, clinging to the fence as they fear for their father's life, and Michonne cringes. Darcy wants to close her eyes from witnessing what's bound to be brutal beheading, but before she can close her eyes she sees a familiar red glow envelop the blade and stop it inches from Hershel's neck.

"What the-" The Governor grumbles.

Darcy shakily laughs when realization sinks in, she pulling her shoulders back and smirking cruelly at the one-eyed man. "The cavalry here's, buddy. You're fucked."

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