Chapter 4: 4th of July Special!

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Chapter 4: 4th of July Special!

A/N: Alright then…this is obviously not the "Shut Up, Nurse!" snippet that is supposed to be next. Turns out, getting it together is harder than I thought. Especially since I've been trying to get back to writing my first story, The Idiot, The Assassin, The Fighter, and The Robot…which I haven't updated in THREE GODDAMN MONTHS! Seriously! How the fuck has it taken me this long?!

I'm disappointed in myself.

Oh well, enough about that.

As for the "Shut Up, Nurse!" snippet, no worries. It willcome. And hopefully Velvet shall endure.

Anyway, I figured that this chapter needed to be done since this day was approaching, so I got to writing it. I finished just in time too! Also, this chapter is to be considered non-canon…you know, since it's a special. As for what this chapter is...I'll let you all find out for yourselves.


Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY nor any material from Markiplier.

4th of July Special!

"What's America?"

The W, B, and Y of Team RWBY looked to their leader, who was currently sitting in a chair using Weiss's computer…again.

"What do you mean?" Blake asked.

"Well, I was looking at some of Markiplier's videos and-."

This immediately got the girls to gang up on Ruby and glare at her. "YOU WERE WATCHING VIDEOS WITHOUT US?!" This was shouted by all three girls.

"W-What?! NO! I haven't watched anything, yet! I was just looking!"

This caused the three harpies-I mean, other three girls to calm down a bit. Blake spoke first.

"Sorry. So, what were you asking?"

Ruby pointed to the screen. "Look."

All of RWBY looked. Ruby was pointing at two videos in particular. One was called "Markiplier Animated: American History 101", while the other was called "Markiplier's History Lesson's: Independence Day". Upon closer inspection, it was the second video that had the word "America" in its description. The first video, having the word "American", was more than likely related to it in a way.

"I'm not really sure," Blake replied. "Maybe another kingdom?"

"Impossible," Weiss put in. "If it was, we would've known about it."

Blake thought about it again. "Maybe it was something from the past?"

"Again, we would've known about it."

Ruby put on her "thinking" face (and pose). "Well…if Markiplier's referencing it…it has to be real, right? I mean, maybe it's a forgotten kingdom or something."

WBY thought about it and nodded. It sort of made sense. Though Weiss was still skeptical.

"Well," Yang said. "The only way to find out is to watch the videos, right?"

RWB smiled and nodded.

"Good…though, which one do we watch first?"

Taking another look at the videos, Blake pointed to the animated one. "This one was done first, so I'd say this one."

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