Chapter 1: Markiplier Animated: Stranded Deep

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A/N: This is now my fifth story...yeah, I know I have enough to deal with as it is, but I'm a little stuck on some material and this idea kept bugging me, so I went with it.

To those reading this who are reading my other stories...I have not abandoned them. They mean too much to me for me to do that. As I said, I fell in a rut. I'll update those stories at some point, hopefully before the end of this week. On the bright side, this is my last week in college. After that...SUMMER BREAK! Which means more time for writing.

In any case, let's do this shit!

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY nor any material from Markiplier.

Markiplier Animated: Stranded Deep

Ruby was currently in her team's dorm room, absently looking through videos on DustTube on Weiss's computer. Classes had been cancelled for today due to the teacher's getting food poisoning…no, it will not be explained as to how and why this happened. It will simply be accepted as is.

The rest of her team had gone off to do…stuff. Ruby had been too busy planning on what to do on the computer to actually hear what it was they went to do.

She continually looked up random stuff: vine videos, pranks, etc. Through the random searching, she found a video called Markiplier Animated: Stranded Deep. The name Markiplier was familiar to her. He was a guy who did Let's Play's. Checking the views, she that that the view count was over two and a half million!

Curiosity getting the better of her, she was about to click on it when her team returned from…whatever it was they were doing.

"HELLO~!" That was Yang.

"We're back." That was Blake.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY COMPUTER?!" That…was undoubtedly Weiss.

She looked back with a sheepish expression. "Heh heh, um…I was bored?"

Weiss had her arms crossed. "Well, next time ask for permission!"

"Oh calm down, Ice Queen," Yang said, smirking.


In an attempt to stop the situation from escalating any further, Blake asked, "So, what were you doing Ruby?"

Eyes now on Ruby, she answered, "O-Oh, I was, um, watching videos on DustTube-."

"Ruby, there are better things to do than watching DustTube videos," Weiss scolded.


"Studying, for instance."

Silence filled the room…until it was broken by Yang.


"Ah bup bup, intellectual is the better term."

"Been hanging out with Neptune, I see."

"S-Shut up," Weiss said, blushing.

"Anyway," Ruby said, retaking control of the conversation. "I was on DustTube when I found this video that seemed interesting. I was about to watch it when you guys came in."

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