Chapter Twenty-Five: Get Stüpid

Start from the beginning

Maggie shrugs, " I mean we can still look into it, but are we really ever going to figure it out? Honestly we have no leads."

"But we can find a lead from looking, like those guys are Club Azure we could talk to them again, they have to know more." I say.

"Those guys didn't serve any purpous all we found out from that was that Kian was bisexual." Maggie rants.

"Then maybe he was with more guys we can talk to." Oscar says.

I point at Oscar, "And it's like you said at the dance at the beginning of the year Jessica was always trying to go after him right? We can talk to her as well."

I am so confused, Maggie was the one that got us to start looking into this. She joined the paper to investigate this murder and all of a sudden she doesn't want to anymore. I'm gonna take a guess and say she's going through something again.

Maggie rolls her eyes, "Or we could just drop it for today and watch a movie. Work on it tomorrow."

Oscar and I look over to each other, "Sure." I nod.

I reach to grab the remote right as the doorbell rings, "Who else did you invite?" Oscar asks.

"No one."

I get up from the couch. Oscar and Maggie follow me to the front door, I open the door.

"Let's get this party started!" Jacob Ross yells as he storms into my house followed by a crowd of people.

Oscar, Maggie and I stand off to the side as people keep walking into my house.

"I would go find more beer and chips, people at parties can get pretty angry." Maggie smirks.

I look at her, "Did you invite these people here?"

"Guess it's just another mystery." She smirks as she walks further into my house with the crowds of people.

Oscar and I slowly look over to one another.

"You still like her now?" He asks.

"Not the time, Bud. Not the time." I say as I walk away into the main area of my house.

I look around to see more people walking into my house. A guy walks past me holding a boombox. I didn't even know those were still a thing.

More people flood into my house and really, really loud music starts to play.

Maggie is definitely going through something.


I walk through my dining room squeezing past people. I've lost where Oscar is, the last time I saw him he was at the bottom of the stairs, but then I went to stop someone from touching my Moms very expensive jacket and he was gone when I turned around.

I walk through my Kitchen, I round the corner and run into Jade.


She blinks, "Oh yeah, Adrian... right?"

"Yeah, umm. Have you see Maggie anywhere?" I ask.

"No why?" She asks.

"Well you see this is my house and she kind of threw this party without my knowledge." I explains.

Jade chuckles, "Classic."

"Umm... well if she is going through something and is anything like her Dad she's most likely upstairs where no one really goes during parties." Jade explains.

"Okay. Thank you." I move past Jade.

"Also she could be drunk!" Jade yells as I run up the stairs, I nod.

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