Chapter 11

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*Liam's POV*

When we went up to the main house for lunch we weren't expecting what was there. Nobody told us that there were new guests so we were surprised when a girl ran up to us and started squealing. She had on some skimpy clothes and heels that made her taller than me. The girl continued to squeal but once she settled down some she wanted pictures with all of us. She started by cuddling up to Niall, who looked like he was about make a run for it. He hated it when girls freaked out like this.

I looked around and I saw Sierra walking away with her head down. She was heading back into the house but I noticed she kept reaching up to her face and wiping at her eyes. Why was she crying? What happened?

The boys were busy answering questions from the girl so I jogged over to where Sierra was now sitting on the steps. Her shoulders were hunched over and she was resting her head in her hands.

"Whats wrong, love?" I asked as I sat down next to her. She wiped at her eyes and sniffled before she looked up at me. Her eyes were red and there was one tear that ran down her cheek.

"It's nothing, Liam." she said as she looked down at her hands again.

"No. Something is wrong and you're going to tell me." I said sternly.

"Can you keep a secret?" she asked quietly.

"Of course, love. Now tell me what has got you so down."

"I-I think I like Niall but I'm not good enough for him. He has so many pretty girls that are throwing themselves at his feet. Now, you can't sit there and tell me that he likes me, 'cause he doesn't." She rushed out, all in one breath.

I stood up and looked down at her. "Love, Niall does like you. He is just really shy about it."

"Then why was he kissing Regina last night?" she sniffled. I knew that was the reason she had beat the girl up.

"He didn't kiss her. She kissed him." Niall had explained the whole thing to us last night. He said Regina had attacked him and he was about to push her away when Sierra showed up and yanked her off of him. He was so afraid Sierra would yell at him that he didn't say one word the whole way home.

"I'm such an idiot. Niall probably hates me now. I mean he won't even talk to me." she muttered into her hands.

"He doesn't hate you. He was just afraid you would freak out if he tried to talk to you." I said as I sat down next to her again and put my arm around her shoulders.

"Oh." she mumbled.

"I'll talk to him. Don't worry."

"Thanks, Liam." she smiled up at me.

"It's no problem, love." I said as I got up to go back over to the table and grab a sandwich.

"Oh, Liam! There is a rodeo tomorrow if you guys want to go with us." she said as she also got up to go into the house.

"We'd love to. What time do we need to be ready?" I asked. If it was going to be early then it was going to be hard to get those boys out of bed. They would sleep all day if you let them.

"Be at my truck at 9." she said as she kicked off her boots and opened the screen door.

"Yes ma'am." I saluted her and she laughed at my pathetic attempt to cheer her up.

I walked back over to the lads who were now grabbing their sandwiches and were about to make a mad dash back to the cabin. That girl was still trying to cuddle up to Niall but I could tell he hated it. I went and grabbed my sandwich, not saying anything so I wouldn't be noticed, and walked back to the cabin. Now I just had to figure out how to get Niall to admit that he fancied Sierra.

*Sierra's POV*

I spent the rest of the day taking the new family out on their trail ride. Well all except for the daughter, who decided she wanted to stay back in her cabin because 'horses are dirty' and she wouldn't want to 'ruin her clothes'. Her words, not mine. The father seemed to be a pretty decent rider but I still had to tell him a couple of times not to jerk on the horse's mouth. The mother just sat on her horse and kept talking about how she wanted to go to the Bahamas for their vacation but they got stuck going here. By the time we made it back I was ready to tell them to shut their pie-holes.

They got off the horses and scurried back to their cabins saying things like 'somebody was in a bad mood' and 'she must now have any manners'. I have manners, I just choose when I will use them.

The horses were put away so I headed inside for dinner. We all sat down together, except for the new family. They wanted to eat their own dinner because apparently they were vegetarians. Dinner went well and Chris ended up having to wash dishes this time. I was so tired so when I was finished, I put my plate in the sink for Chris and started to go upstairs when somebody called my name from the porch. I sighed and headed back outside. Niall was sitting on the bench, studying his hands. The other boys were headed back to their cabin.

"Niall?" He jumped a little but he relaxed when he saw it was me.

"Hey." he said quietly. He stood up walked over to where I was standing in the doorway. "I'm so sorry about Regina. I didn't kiss her, I swear. She attacked me. I never meant to hurt you. Please, please, forgive me?" he rushed out.

Does he really know that it hurt me? Was I that obvious? I could feel my cheeks heating up and I probably looked like a tomato.

"You didn't hurt me." I tried denying it.

"Love, Liam told me." Of course Liam told him. They were best friends. He was so dead, he promised me he wouldn't tell anybody. I must have looked really embarrassed because Niall took my hand and pulled me out onto the porch.

He sat us both down on the bench and kept a hold on my hands. I could tell he was nervous because he kept twitching his leg. The moonlight shown down and made his hair glow white and eyes sparkle a beautiful light blue.

"Sierra, I like you." he said quietly and he leaned down and kissed me.


I know. Its horrible but what do you think about this new girl? Hmmm? Is she Sierra's new competiton? Or no match? Let me know what y'all think in your comments! Thanks for reading!

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