' alpha..they are near'

Oddly her eyes slowly going back into green. Rushing memories of passing and running through the woods filled her mind.

' it's our birthday!' A voice spoke

Startling her she dug her claws into wolf as it growled. Quickly apologizing when she heard screams, it was as if she was pulled into a trance.

As if she stood where her memory took place.

All she could see was a burning building, black smoke covered the sky as wolves around howled in pain. Seeing bodies from far being burnt to a crisp reaching out for help.

Slowly her hand reach up when a growl of a Apollo snapped her back into reality.

' cut it out, from how fast we run we'll get there in time.'

He looked to the moon as she followed only to see the moon still a pure white.

They continued their run for another mile or three when coming to a sudden stop. A semi large clearing as most slumped to the ground and checking everything is still in place.

Jack kept his eyes on Hazel, she was only sitting beside the wolf that had carried her not to long ago.

Seeing she had taken off the wolf cape and fiddled with her fingers. Snarling a little he walks towards her till she could see his feet to noticie him.

" hello father" she spoke softly

His insides twist with disgust from the words, but he still smiled and spoke.

" we will rest here till we see the moon start to change which..." he paused for a moment before looking around and seeing Apollo

He gestures him to come as he obeys.

" I'll send him to make first contact, then we'll go.." his eyes still didn't meat hazels but another women.

Her eyes a cloudy white, yet still looked human as ever. Quickly she too walked over just behind Apollo till in front of Jack.

" Apollo, go make first contact..the moon is minutes from changing. So go, you are free to talk" he ordered

Apollo slightly bowed and looked at Hazel, though he felt the eyes of his father.

Meeting eyes with her, she seemed confused so Apollo gestures her to follow. A quick shake of a head as he sighs softly and walks away to leave.

Hazel stared at where he just was before she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up to see him as he smiled and went down in his knees.

" what is it father?" She softly asked

Caressing her cheek with a soft smile, he didn't respond. She asked once more as he grabs a piece of her hair twirling it when his eyes glowed.

A smirk fell in place as Hazel watched his eyes became those strange colors once again. Seeing his smirk come more off as a threat she jerked away only for him to grab her by the throat.

Hazel hissed as others watched without being able to do anything.

" I told you, they all wanted to kill you. They all wanted you dead. Remember you were always alone no matter who you were with" he growled

Running From The Wolves ✅COMPLETED ✅ Where stories live. Discover now