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Love isn't easy to find. Too hard to find, actually. But that's the actual beauty of love. The most precious thing that life could give you is to be found by love in the most unexpected time with the right true one.

The King has fallen: Chapter 2

I ran into the woods. I ran so fast I've been constantly tripping over yet I can never stop. I shouldn't, at least. I cannot see the wolves now trailing on my back, still I know that they'll never stop hunting. It's still confusing me on how it's like they can't smell me or at least that's what it looks like because they can't follow my trails.

I rested my back against the tree. Panting as I draw my breath in. I never ran that fast in my whole life, probably because I never have to get away from wolves until now. I scan my surroundings. It's a never-ending line of tree. All ways look familiar. How can I know my way out? I cannot go back. They still must be there. Lurking. But I also don't know where to go. It's starting to get dark, and I have a feeling that I should get out of here when the sun goes down.

I've been walking aimlessly. My throat starts to get dry, and I can hear my stomach rumbling. I'm sure that my mother is looking out for me now. She must be worried. I'm sorry mama. I've been walking around for like hours, and I never get to see my way out. The sun has also goes down and it's been getting hard that I can't see anything.

I sat down on the woods. The scene earlier flashes through me.

Their lifeless eyes. Heads cutting out of their bodies. Their pleads and cries. It was just so ruthless and inhumane. How can a kingdom do such a thing.

My head frantically turn into the direction when I heard a twig snap from a distance.

I screamed for help when suddenly a wolf comes from the bushes and pinned me down to the ground.

It's both paws pinning my shoulder down. Its whole-body hover me that I didn't dare to move. I close my eyes when it started to snarl in my eyes.

"Someone please help me." I prayed. 

I was dazzled when I feel it draws closer to my neck. His snout nudging my cheeks then breathing in my scent. I feel like it takes a couple of minutes as it rested its head on the crook of my neck. I should be scared. Hell, I should be terrified. But for an unknown reason, I am far beyond scared. I opened my eyes and was greeted by its fur on my face. Black-coated fur that almost shine under the moon.

The wolf must have been felt me moving when he backed a little to take a glance on me. As I deeply stare into its eyes, his familiar golden eyes glows in the dark. He growled when I try to back a little, so I stay still.

One thing my mama once told me, never ever pissed a wolf, and I intend to keep that in mind.

The wolf suddenly stilled. His eyes now glowing furiously. That's when I notice that other wolves start to emerge from the trees. These wolves were not as big, yet they really got numbers. They start to circle us, baring their teeth, snarling and taunting to put up a fight.

When one lunged forward, the wolf with me had already forwarded and bared its teeth to its neck. It didn't take seconds for the wolf to finish it off. Its canines deeply sinking to its flesh. Not more than a couple of second that the wolf came back to me, hovering me. Keeping me pin down under him so I can longer be at the sight of the other wolves.

Thats how he ended the fight. This huge wolf finished the group of five wolves in an instant with him coming back to me every couple of second.

My heart hammered at that thought. "You were protecting me, aren't you?" I asked softly.

I notice that the wolf had closed his eyes at the sound of my voice.

I carefully lift up my hand to touch his head, eyes still lock in his golden one, when he growled lowly making me stop. Nevertheless, my hand still makes its way to touch him. I have a weird feeling that this wolf would never harm me.

I gasped as my hand touches its fur. Tingles shot through my hand thru my arms. The wolf must have felt it too for it depend on its head again my palm. Feeling my touch, warming my shivering cold hands.

"Good boy" the wolf snarled in my remark. I laughed. "You don't want to be called good boy, huh?"

"Can you help me out?" I said as I start to stand. "I don't know my way out."

I looked at the never-ending trees. It's too dark now. The moon is my only light now. The huge wolf is already behind me. Following every movement that I make.

I was about to ask him the way when lots of wolves suddenly emerge from the trees. Some even shift in their human form and was standing totally naked in front of me.

I took a step back when they stepped forward making the wolf beside me growl lowly. It was so low yet full of warning. I notice that these wolves are the one hunting me earlier. They are the guards of the palace!

Confusion flooded me when they shrink in that growl. One man step forward, kneeling in front of us--no. Kneeling in the wolf beside me.

"My king" he bow his head. "We were sent by your beta." he trailed of. Unsured by his next words when the wolf narrows his eyes at him. "....h-he wants the girl."

A growl rang throughout the forest that it even shook the ground and make the birds flies from its nest. The wolf beside me put up a stance to attack the guard. His teeth are clashing from anger.

"k-king?" I whispered. My eyes widened as I stare into the big black wolf.

He stilled at my voice but continue to eye the guards in front of us. His body guarding me, almost want to hide me in his fur.

When he attacked the guards, I took a ran into the opposite side. I couldn't believe it. He was the king. The king that my mama told me in her stories. The scene earlier at the castle's ground flashes through my eyes. I don't want to die. I still have to see mama.

Not a minute passed when I was already tackled in the ground. I know from the sparks in my skin that it was the big wolf. Again, scene of earlier flashes through mind along with my mother's voice.

"Don't ever near the castle, katerina."

"The king is ruthless, my child. He had killed a lot of people, innocent or not. You have to understand that there is just someone who really doesn't have a heart."

I should have listened to mama. I shouldn't have near the castle. She is right all along. Not every king wears a crown. Sometimes, they become the king because of how powerful they are. Ruthlessly inhumane powerful. Something that should be forbidden.

And now, I have to think of a way to escape. Fast. I wouldn't survive in a castle with a heartless king.

The king Has Fallen (Fall Series# 1)Where stories live. Discover now